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科技部重点研发计划,智能机器人专项,《协作机器人产业化示范》, 2019年12月,科技部立项,课题负责人,
国家自然科学基金面上项目,《多尺度系统能耗优化的双PWM变频调速系统动态协同预测控制》, 2018年1月,国家自然基金委立项,排名第二,
瑞士ABB电气传动系统有限公司,《高性能伺服系统的设计》, 2020年3月立项,外企项目,课题负责人,
北京发那科数控工程有限公司,《直线电机与驱动装置综合测试平台软件设计》, 2017年3月立项,外企项目,课题负责人,
Pan Y D, Cai G Q, Zhang W F. High-precision flux linkage observation of induction motor at low switching frequency. Journal of Power Electronics. 2021, 21(2), 396–404.
Pan Y D, Pei M T, Li L, Lu Y Y. Preview tracking control for discrete-time multirate systems: an internal model-based approach. Mathematics. 2020, 8(9): 1443.
Pan Y D, Yu L R, Wang L, et al. Construction of high-performance magnetic sensor based on anisotropic magnetoresistance Ta/MgO/NiFe/MgO/Ta film. Rare Met. 2021.
Pan Y D, Li Y L. Fuzzy Filter Design in Finite-Frequency Domain for Three-Level Inverter Drive System. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 3792-3801.
Chen T, Pan Y D. A novel diagnostic method for multiple open-circuit faults of voltage-source inverters based on output line voltage residuals analysis [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2021, 68(4): 1343-1347.