Xinbo Yu, Wei He*, Hongyi Li and Jian Sun, “Adaptive fuzzy full-state and output feedback control for uncertain robots with output constraint”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2019.2963072, in press, 2020.
Pre One:于欣波, 贺威*, 薛程谦, 孙永坤, 孙长银. 基于扰动观测器的机器人自适应神经网络跟踪控制研究, 自动化学报, 45(7): 1307-1324, 2019.
Next One:Xinbo Yu, Wei He*, Yanan Li, Chengqian Xue, Jianqiang Li, Jianxiao Zou and Chenguang Yang, “Bayesian estimation of human impedance and motion intention for human-robot collaboration”, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, DOI: 10.1109/TCYB.2019.2940276, in press, 2019.