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Jie Wang*, Jiahao Liu Gaowei Zhang, and Shijie Guo. Periodic event-triggered sliding mode control for lower limb exoskeleton based on human-robot cooperation [J]. ISA Transactions, 2022, 123:87-97. SCI
上一条:王婕*, 马晓, 宗群. 四旋翼无人飞行器的轨迹跟踪与滑模事件驱动控制[J], 控制理论与应用, 36(7): 1083-1089, 2019. EI
下一条:Jie Wang*, Jiahao Liu, Gaowei Zhang, and Shijie Guo. Observer-based finite-time control for trajectory tracking of lower extremity exoskeleton[J]. Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers part I-Journal of systems and control engineering[J], 2022.,236 (2):257-269.SCI