Professional Title:Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Yi-Lung Mo, Tianmin Zhou (2018). Multi-scale stress wave simulation for aggregates segregation detection of concrete core in circular CFST coupled with PZT patches. Materials, 11(1223), 1-17. (SCI, Q2, IF: 3.057).
Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Yi-Lung Mo, Tianmin Zhou (2018). Behavior of meso-scale heterogeneous concrete under uniaxial tensile and compressive loadings. Construction and Building Materials, 178, 418-431. (SCI, Q1, IF: 4.419).
Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Jiang Wang, Lele Luan, Tianmin Zhou, Xin Nie, Yi-Lung Mo (2019). Interfacial debonding detection for rectangular CFST using the MASW method and its physical mechanism analysis at the meso-level. Sensors, 19(2778), 1-20. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.275).
Hongbing Chen, Mahadi Masud, Jamshaid Sawab, Hsuan Wen Huang, Bin Xu, Y.L. Mo*and Thomas T.C. Hsu (2019). Parametric study on the non-contact splices at drilled shaft to bridge column interface based on multiscale modeling approach. Engineering Structures, 180, 400-418. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.548).
Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Tianmin Zhou, Yi-Lung Mo (2019). Debonding detection for rectangular CFST using surface wave measurement: Test and multi-physical fields numerical simulation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 117, 238-254. (SCI, Q1, IF: 6.471).
Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu*, Jiang Wang, Xin Nie*, Y. L. Mo. (2020). XFEM-based multiscale simulation on monotonic and hysteretic behavior of reinforced concrete columns. Applied Science, 10(21), 7899. (SCI, Q2, IF: 2.474).
Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Jiang Wang, Tianmin Zhou, Xin Nie, Y.L. Mo. (2020). Parametric analysis on compressive strain rate effect of concrete using mesoscale modeling approach. Construction and Building Materials, 246, 118375: 1-16. (SCI, Q1, IF: 4.419).