Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Yi-Lung Mo, Tianmin Zhou (2018). Behavior of meso-scale heterogeneous concrete under uniaxial tensile and compressive loadings. Construction and Building Materials, 178, 418-431. (SCI, Q1, IF: 4.419)
Pre One:Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Yi-Lung Mo, Tianmin Zhou (2018). Multi-scale stress wave simulation for aggregates segregation detection of concrete core in circular CFST coupled with PZT patches. Materials, 11(1223), 1-17. (SCI, Q2, IF: 3.057)
Next One:Hongbing Chen, Bin Xu, Jiang Wang, Lele Luan, Tianmin Zhou, Xin Nie, Yi-Lung Mo (2019). Interfacial debonding detection for rectangular CFST using the MASW method and its physical mechanism analysis at the meso-level. Sensors, 19(2778), 1-20. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.275)