Professional Title:Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
赵玉栋,陈洪兵*,聂鑫.基于MASW方法识别高速铁路组合桥梁界面剥离损伤的可行性研究.中国铁路, 2019(11):98-103..
Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Song Xia (2017). Wave propagation simulation and its wavelet package analysis for debonding detection of circular CFST members. Smart Structures and Systems, 19(2), 181-194. (导师一作, SCI, Q1, IF: 3.557).
Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Song Xia (2017). Numerical study on the mechanism of active interfacial debonding detection for rectangular CFSTs based on wavelet packet analysis with piezoceramics. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 86, 108-121. (导师一作, SCI, Q1, IF: 6.471).
Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Yi-Lung Mo, Xuemin Chen (2017). Multi-physical field guided wave simulation for circular concrete-filled steel tubes coupled with piezoelectric patches considering debonding defects. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 122, 25-32. (导师一作, SCI, Q1, IF: 3.267).
Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Yi-Lung Mo, Tianmin Zhou (2018). Dominance of debonding defect of CFST on PZT sensor response considering the meso-scale structure of concrete with multi-scale simulation. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 107, 515-528. (导师一作, SCI, Q1, IF: 6.471).
Dong Luo, Yuanyuan Li, Hangzhou Yang, Hao Sun, Hongbing Chen*(2020). Exploratory research on ultra-long polymer optical fiber-based corrosion sensing for buried metal pipelines. Smart Structures and Systems, An International Journal. 26(4), 507-520. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.557).
Bin Xu, Lele Luan, Hongbing Chen*, Jiang Wang and Wenting Zheng (2017). Experimental study on active interface debonding detection for rectangular concrete-filled steel tubes with surface wave measurement. Sensors. 19(3248), 1-14. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.275).
Hongbing Chen, Meng Zhou, Shiyu Gan, Xin Nie, Bin Xu and Y.L. Mo. (2021). Review of wave method-based non-destructive testing for steel-concrete composite structures: multiscale simulation and multi-physics coupling analysis. Construction and Building Material, 302, 123832..
Hongbing Chen, Xin Nie*, Shiyu Gan, Yudong Zhao, Huahua Qiu. (2021). Interfacial imperfection detection for steel-concrete composite structures using NDT techniques: A state-of-the-art review. Engineering Structures, 245, 112778. (SCI检索).
Hongbing Chen, Masud Mahadi, Sawab Jamshaid, Huang Hsuan-Wen, Bin Xu, Yi-Lung Mo* and Thomas Hsu (2018). Multiscale analysis of non-contact splices at drilled shaft to bridge column interface. Engineering Structures, 176, 28-40. (SCI, Q1, IF: 3.548).