Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Song Xia (2017). Wave propagation simulation and its wavelet package analysis for debonding detection of circular CFST members. Smart Structures and Systems, 19(2), 181-194. (导师一作, SCI, Q1, IF: 3.557)
Pre One:赵玉栋,陈洪兵*,聂鑫.基于MASW方法识别高速铁路组合桥梁界面剥离损伤的可行性研究.中国铁路, 2019(11):98-103.
Next One:Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen, Song Xia (2017). Numerical study on the mechanism of active interfacial debonding detection for rectangular CFSTs based on wavelet packet analysis with piezoceramics. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 86, 108-121. (导师一作, SCI, Q1, IF: 6.471)