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- 赵宁*,罗磊,张赛朋.巡回式自动小车存取系统正交仿真分析. 计算机集成制造系统. 第22卷,第3期,754-763页,2016..
- 赵宁*,穆云,徐传标. 基于RESTART 方法的同轨多天车仿真调度. 系统工程理论与实践. 第36卷,第7期,1826-1836页,2016..
- Ning Zhao*, Lei Luo, Saipeng Zhang. An efficient simulation model for rack design in multi-elevator tier-captive shuttle based storage and retrieval system. Simulation Modeling Practice & Theory. v67:p100-116, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.simpat.2016.03.007..
- Ning Zhao*, Song Ye, Kaidian Li, Siyu Chen. Effective iterated greedy algorithm for flow-shop scheduling problems with time lags. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2017, 3(30):652-662. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10033-017-0108-2..
- Song Ye, Ning Zhao*, Kaidian Li , Siyu Chen. Efficient heuristic for solving non-permutation flow-shop scheduling problems with maximal and minimal time lags. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2017, 113:160-184. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2017.08.024..
- Ning Zhao*, Lei Luo, Gabriel Lodewijks. Scheduling two lifts on a common rail considering acceleration and deceleration in a shuttle based storage and retrieval system. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2018, 124: 48-57. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2018.07.007..
- Jiapeng Guo, Ning Zhao*, Saipeng Zhang. Modular based flexible digital twin for factory design. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 2019, 10(3):1189-1200. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-018-0953-6..
- Xiaomei Hei*, Shaohua Dong, Ning Zhao. Research on rush order insertion rescheduling problem under hybrid flow shop based on NSGA-III. International Journal of Production Research. 2019, 58, 4:1161-1177. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2019.1613581..
- Chuanjin Lei, Ning Zhao*, Song Ye, Xiuli Wu. Memetic algorithm for solving flexible flow-shop scheduling problems with dynamic transport waiting times. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 139 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2019.07.041..
- 郭佳鹏,赵宁*. 动车生产中的组车优化调度方法. 中国机械工程. 第30卷,第12期,1486-1492页,2019..
- 赵虎,赵宁*. 结合价值流程图与数字孪生技术的工厂设计. 计算机集成制造系统. 第25卷,第6期,1481-1490页,2019..
- 赵宁*,罗鑫珍,李文英,袁召云. 基于蒙特卡罗仿真的自动仓储系统FEM标准适用性研究. 中国机械工程. 第18期,2153-2160页,2020. http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/detail.aspx?FileName=ZGJX20191220008&DbName=CAPJ2019..
- 孙阳君,赵宁*. 多机器人存取系统中的机器人群无冲突调度方法. 工业工程. 第23卷,第2期,49-58页,2020..
- 彭辉,赵宁*,孙阳君. 面向货到人拣货机器人系统的数字孪生系统. 工业工程.第24卷3期,121-129,2021..
- 孙阳君,赵宁*. 基于数字孪生的多自动导引小车系统集中式调度方法. 计算机集成制造系统.第27卷2期,569-584,2021..