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- 曹建国*,张杰,张少军.轧钢设备及自动控制.北京:化学工业出版社,2010.6.
- Cao J G*,Zhang J,Kong N and Mi K F(2010). Finite Element Analysis of Strip and Rolling Mills, Finite Element Analysis, David Moratal (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-123-7, SCIYO, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/-finite-element-analysis-of-strip-and-rolling-mills..
- Cao J G*,Zhang J, Yang G H, Yin X Q, Zeng W and Gong G L. Comprehensive edge drop control technology of non-oriented electrical steel strip in 4-high ECC tandem cold rolling mills.The Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Steel Rolling,Beijing, China, September 15-18,2010:1065-1073..
- 曹建国*,王燕萍,孔宁,杨连宏,侯安全,王泽斌. 不锈钢热连轧机粗轧支持辊剥落影响因素的有限元分析. 工程力学,2011,28(4):194-199..
- 曹建国*,孟小明,杨光辉,张勇,曹立潮,刘波.基于遗传算法的UCM双机架冷轧机弯辊力设定模型. 天津大学学报, 2011,44(7):650-654..
- 曹建国*,张勇,杨光辉,孟小明,曹立潮,周学会,王正凯.UCM六辊冷轧机中间辊辊形研究. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2011,42(4):966-971..
- 曹建国*,覃业均,张杰,宋木清,宫贵良,彭强.基于Fluent非稳态模型工作辊精细冷却参数研究.中南大学学报(自然科学版),2011,42(6): 1402-1405.
- Cao J G*,Xu X Z,Zhang J,Song M Q,Gong G L and Zeng W. Preset model of bending force for 6-high reversing cold rolling mill based on genetic algorithm, Journal of Central South University: Science &Technology of Mining an Metallurgy,2011,18(5):1487-1492.
- Cao J G*,Liu S J,Zhang J,Song P,Yan T L and Zhou Y Z.ASR work roll shifting strategy for schedule-free rolling in hot wide strip mills, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2011,211(11):1768-1775.
- Wang H P,Zhou D B and Cao J G*. Development of a stretchable conductor array with embedded metal nanowires.IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology,2013,12(4):561-565.
- Wang H P,Zhou D B and Cao J G*. Development of a skin-like tactile sensor array for curved surface.IEEE Sensors Journal,2014,14(1):55-61.
- Kong N,Cao J G*,Wang Y P,Tieu A K,Yang L H,Hou A Q and Wang Z B. Development of smart contact backup rolls in ultra-wide stainless strip rolling process. Materials and Manufacturing Processes,2014.2,29(2):129-133.
- Zhou D B, Wang H P, Bai J and Cao J G. Effects of oxygen plasma treatment and e-beam evaporation on AgNWs/PDMS based stretchable electrode. Smart Materials and Structures,2014,23(10): 104001.1-7.
- 曹建国*,廖然,杨利花.燃料电池电动汽车发展现状与前景.新材料产业,2015,(4):58-63.
- Dong Q and Cao J G*.Contact deformation analysis of elastic–plastic asperity on rough roll surface in a strip steel mill, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention,2015,15(2):320-326.