Huiyang Liu, Long Cheng, Min Tan, and Zengguang Hou, Distributed exponential finite-time coordination of multi-agent systems: containment control and consensus, International Journal of Control, 2015, 88(2): 237-247. IF:2.101 (SCI) 引用39次
Pre One:Huiyang Liu, Guangming Xie, and Long Wang, Necessary and sufficient conditions for containment control of networked multi-agent systems, Automatica, 2012, 48(7): 1415-1422. IF:6.355 (SCI) 引用212次 自动控制领域顶级期刊
Next One:Huiyang Liu, Long Cheng, Min Tan, and Zengguang Hou, Containment control of continuous-time linear multi-agent systems with aperiodic sampling, Automatica, 2015,57(7): 78-84. IF:6.355 (SCI) 引用66次 自动控制领域顶级期刊