Professional Title:Associate Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
徐钱,Influence of end side displacement load on stress and deformation of "L"-type large-diameter buried pipe network.APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,1261.
徐钱,Analysis of nozzle gas speed on the performance of the zoned and staged gas-fired radiant tube.APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,1181.
徐钱,Analysis of nozzle designs on zoned and staged double P-type gas-fired radiant tube.APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,1141.
徐钱, 冯俊小, 周闻华, 等. 分区分级燃气辐射管模型验证及仿真研究[J]. 工程科学学报, 2016, 38(11):1620-1628. [EI].
徐钱, 冯俊小, 周敬之. 立式镁还原罐还原过程中结构传热特性分析[J]. 化工进展, 2018, 37(2): 459-467. [EI].
徐钱, 冯俊小, 周闻华, 等. 分区分级双P型辐射管喷口结构位置特性研究[J]. 工程科学学报, 2017, 39(5) :756-761. [EI].
Xu Q, Feng J-X. Effects of different loads on structure deformation of “L”-type large-diameter buried pipe network based on flow–heat–solid coupling. Heat Transfer– Asian Research. 2017; 46:1327–1341. [EI].
徐钱, 冯俊小. 基于正交法扁双P型辐射管仿真模拟及结构优化[J]. 工程科学学报, 2017, 39(4) :581-592. [EI].
徐钱, 冯俊小, 周闻华. 分级气体成分对燃气辐射管热过程影响的数值模拟及研究[J]. 工程科学学报, 2016, 39(1):96-106. [EI].
Xu Qian, Wang K, Feng J, et. al. Performance analysis of a novel Flue Gas Self-Circulated Burner based on the Low-NOx Combustion [J]. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2020, 146(2): 04019041. [SCI、4区、IF:2.04].