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【202503更新】 2025招收秋季入学专硕生一名 联系方式:yi_wu(at)ustb.edu.cn

专业代码:085501机械工程 / 085502车辆工程


就业方向:汽车、航空航天 / 工业软件开发 可推荐国内外深造




(更新至 202408)

Short CV:

2015年本科毕业于湖南大学车辆工程系,获工学学士学位,后被保送至本校直博,在汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室开展相关的学习和研究工作。期间受资助前往法国国家科研中心多尺度建模与仿真实验室(MSME UMR 8208 CNRS)开展研究工作,获湖南大学与东巴黎大学(Université Paris-Est)颁发的博士双学位,专业为机械工程和Docteur en Mécanique。2022年11月加入北京科技大学车辆工程系任讲师。

主要从事计算固体力学、拓扑优化方法、先进车身设计等方面的研究工作,旨在于开发先进的数值计算方法,促进工业仿真计算和优化设计软件的发展,解决先进车身设计等场景下的结构优化中的动力学、强度、断裂、不确定性等问题。作为第一或通讯作者在Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering、Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization、Computers & Structures、Engineering with Computers 等本领域国际重要期刊发表论文 10 余篇。曾作为分会场联合主席参与国际计算力学大会(WCCM 2022) 和欧洲应用科学和工程计算方法大会(ECCOMAS 2022);作为报告人参与 WCSMO 2017 和 WCSMO 2019 会议。


Selected publications:

[1] Y. Wu, E. Li, Z.C. He*, X.Y. Lin, H.X. Jiang, Robust concurrent topology optimization of structure and its composite material considering uncertainty with imprecise probability, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 364 (2020) 112927.

[2] Y. Wu, J. Yvonnet*, P. Li, Z.-C. He, Topology optimization for enhanced dynamic fracture resistance of structures, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 394 (2022) 114846. 

[3] Y. Wu*, Incorporating interface effects into multi-material topology optimization by improving interface configuration : An energy-based approach, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 431 (2024) 117325. 

[4] Y. Wu, H. Hu, J. Zheng, Y. Zhang, E. Li, Z.C. He*, Robust topology optimization with interval field model: on the spatially varied non-probabilistic uncertainty of material property, loading and geometry, Eng. Comput. (2023) 1–17.

[5] Y. Wu, P. Li, Q. Li, B. Liu*, Topology optimization for energy absorption of quasi-brittle structures undergoing dynamic fractures, Adv. Eng. Softw. 187 (2024) 103567.

[6] C. Wang, E.L. Zhou, Y. Wu*, E. Li, Y.Y. Huang, Transient stress-constrained topology optimization of impacted structures, Struct. Multidiscip. Optim. 66 (2023). 

[7] C. Wang, Y. Wu*, Toward static and transient stress-constrained topology optimization for shell-infill structures, Comput. Struct. 299 (2024) 107370. 



[29] Y. Wu, Incorporating interface effects into multi-material topology optimization by improving interface configuration : An energy-based approach, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 431 (2024) 117325.

[28] 刘 波唐永鑫伍 毅王紫阳杨 琴胡铁刚徐小敏一体压铸铝合金车身结构件的轻量化设计研究汽车工程,Accepted.

[27] C. Wang, Y. Wu, Toward static and transient stress-constrained topology optimization for shell-infill structures, Comput. Struct. 299 (2024) 107370. 

[26] P. Li, L. Xia, Y. Wu, T.X. Le, W. Zuo, S. Liu, L. Zhao, Extended phase field modeling of interface debonding and bulk cracking in realistic 3D printed fiber reinforced composites, Compos. Struct. 345 (2024) 118396.

[25] Q. Li, Q. Xiao, Y. Wu, L. Hu, W. Li, W. Wu, Inspiring nested modular structure for axial compression performance, Mater. Today Commun. 40 (2024) 109795.

[24] Y. Wu, P. Li, Q. Li, B. Liu, Topology optimization for energy absorption of quasi-brittle structures undergoing dynamic fractures, Adv. Eng. Softw. 187 (2024) 103567.

[23] P. Li, Y. Wu, J. Yvonnet, S. Liu, S. Gu, Phase field modeling of dynamic fracture in elastoplastic composites with interfacial debonding, Eng. Fract. Mech. 295 (2024) 109792.


[22] C. Wang, E.L. Zhou, Y. Wu, E. Li, Y.Y. Huang, Transient stress-constrained topology optimization of impacted structures, Struct. Multidiscip. Optim. 66 (2023) 94. 

[21] G.-B. Chang, C. Wang, Y. Wu, W.-K. Jiang, A topology optimization method based on the edge-based smoothed finite element method, Int. J. Comput. Methods. 20 (2023) 2250047.

[20] Y. Wu, H. Hu, J. Zheng, Y. Zhang, E. Li, Z.C. He, Robust topology optimization with interval field model: on the spatially varied non-probabilistic uncertainty of material property, loading and geometry, Eng. Comput. (2023) 1–17.

[19] H. Hu, Y. Wu, A. Batou, H. Ouyang, Uncertainty propagation with b-spline based interval field decomposition method in boundary value problems, Appl. Math. Model. 123 (2023) 159–177.

[18] Q. Li, M. Xiao, D. Wang, Y. Wu, K. Liu, S. Wu, Energy absorption characteristics of starfruit-inspired biomimetic lattice structure under non-axial compression loading, Eng. Struct. 294 (2023) 116767.


[17] P. Li, J. Yvonnet, Y. Wu, Improved fracture resistance of 3D-printed elastoplastic structures with respect to their topology and orientation of deposited layers, Int. J. Mech. Sci. (2022) 107147.

[16] Y. Wu, J. Yvonnet, P. Li, Z.-C. He, Topology optimization for enhanced dynamic fracture resistance of structures, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 394 (2022) 114846. 

[15] K.X. Wang, E.L. Zhou, B.L. Wei, Y. Wu, G. Wang, An efficient and accurate numerical method for the heat conduction problems of thermal metamaterials based on edge-based smoothed finite element method, Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 134 (2022) 282–297. 

[14] H. Hu, Y. Wu, A. Batou, H. Ouyang, B-spline based interval field decomposition method, Comput. Struct. 272 (2022) 106874.

[13] 何智成, 杨丁丁, 姜潮, 伍毅, 江和昕, 基于增材制造各向异性的强度约束拓扑优化, 中国机械工程. 33 (2022) 2372.


[12] E.L. Zhou, Y. Wu, X.Y. Lin, Q.Q. Li, Y. Xiang, A normalization strategy for BESO-based structural optimization and its application to frequency response suppression, Acta Mech. 232 (2021) 1307–1327. 

[11] H.X. Jiang, B.L. Wei, E.L. Zhou, Y. Wu, X.K. Li, Robust topology optimization for thermoelastic hierarchical structures with hybrid uncertainty, J. Therm. Stress. 44 (2021) 1458–1478.

[10] P. Li, Y. Wu, J. Yvonnet, A SIMP-Phase field topology optimization framework to maximize quasi-brittle fracture resistance of 2D and 3D composites, Theor. Appl. Fract. Mech. 114 (2021) 102919.

[9] X.Y. Lin, E. Li, Z.C. He, Y. Wu, Q.Q. Li, Design of single-phase chiral metamaterials for broadband double negativity via shape optimization, Appl. Math. Model. 91 (2021) 335–357. 

[8] W. Zuo, L. Wei, Z. Du, P. Li, Y. Wu, W. She, Design of robust Self-Compacting concrete based on analysis of component properties, Constr. Build. Mater. 301 (2021) 124063.


[7] Z.C. He, H.X. Jiang, Y. Wu, E. Li, B. Zhou, Q. Tang, Robust topological design of actuator-coupled structures with hybrid uncertainties, Acta Mech. 231 (2020) 1621–1638. 

[6] Y. Wu, E. Li, Z.C. He, X.Y. Lin, H.X. Jiang, Robust concurrent topology optimization of structure and its composite material considering uncertainty with imprecise probability, Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 364 (2020) 112927. 

[5] Y. Wu, D. Mi, L.-Z. Zhang, A.-G. Cheng, Robust topological design of laminated composite plate under interval random hybrid uncertainties, Int. J. Mater. Prod. Technol. 61 (2020) 160–184.

[4] Y. Wu, X.Y. Lin, H.X. Jiang, A.G. Cheng, Finite element analysis of the uncertainty of physical response of acoustic metamaterials with interval parameters, Int. J. Comput. Methods. 17 (2020) 1950052. 

[3] X.Y. Lin, E. Li, Z.C. He, Y. Wu, A novel method to study the phononic crystals with fluid–structure interaction and hybrid uncertainty, Acta Mech. 231 (2020) 321–352. 

[2] Q.Q. Li, Z.C. He, E. Li, P. Liu, X.Y. Lin, Y. Wu, Design of resonant structures in resin matrix to mitigate the blast wave with a very wide frequency range, Smart Mater. Struct. 29 (2020) 45042. 


[1] Z.C. He, Y. Wu, E. Li, Topology optimization of structure for dynamic properties considering hybrid uncertain parameters, Struct. Multidiscip. Optim. 57 (2018) 625–638.

Served as a reviewer for:

Computer methods in applied mechanics and Engineering

Engineering with Computers

Materials & Design

Thin-Walled Structures

Ocean Engineering

Engineering Optimization

Journal of Thermal Stresses

International Journal of Computational Methods

  • 教育经历Education Background
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