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- Paper Publications
- [1] WANG W J, LIU X F, SHI Z Z. Mechanisms and influences of electro-brush plating micro-force on coa.... [2] WANG W J, LIU X F. Influences of brush plating solutions composition and technological parameters.... [3] YUNG K C, WANG W J (corresponding author), CHOY H S, et al. Laser polishing of additive manufactu.... [4] WANG W J, LIU X F, XIE J X. Double-coating and porous treatments and evaluation of rolled copper .... [5] WANG W J, YUNG K C, CHOY H S, et al. Effects of laser polishing on surface microstructure and cor....
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- Research Projects
- [1] 钛/钢复合薄板冷-热轧制成形中试生产技术,参与。, [2] 不锈钢包覆碳钢液-固复合板坯技术研究与开发,参与;, [3] 基于不锈钢包覆碳钢液-固复合板坯的热轧工艺研究,参与;, [4] 电刷镀定向流镀方法及其多物理场作用沉积机理研究,主持。, [5] 交通用金属层状复合材料冷-热轧制新工艺应用基础研究,主持。, [6] 液流快冷成形金属制品的凝固行为与控制,面上项目,参与。, [7] 冷轧复合不锈钢表面自愈膜形成及韧脆性转变机理与调控措施,青年项目,主持;,