Professional Title:Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Paper Publications
Wang, F. and Chang, S., 2024. Molecular dynamics investigation of shale oil occurrence and adsorption in nanopores: Unveiling wettability and influencing factors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 481: 148380.
Wang, F. and Zai, Y., 2023. Image segmentation and flow prediction of digital rock with U-net network. Advances in water resources, 172: 104384.
Wang F, Zhao J. Mathematical model of liquid spontaneous imbibition into gas-saturated porous media with dynamic contact angle and gravity[J]. Chemical Engineering Science. 2021, 229: 116139.
Wang, F., Cheng, H. and Song, K., 2021. A Mathematical Model of Surfactant Spontaneous Imbibition in a Tight Oil Matrix with Diffusion and Adsorption. Langmuir, 37(29): 8789-8800.
Wang, F. and Zhao, J., 2021. Mathematical modeling of gravity and buoyancy effect on low interfacial tension spontaneous imbibition in tight oil reservoirs. AIChE Journal, 67(9): e17332.
王付勇,曾繁超,赵久玉. 低渗透/致密油藏驱替-渗吸数学模型及其应用[J]. 石油学报. 2020, 41(11): 1396-1405.