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  • 第一/通讯作者期刊论文:

    [1]       Wang C*. Radiative-cooling-driven passive thermoelectric devices. Device, 2: 100424, 2024.

    [2]       Wang C*, Chen H, Wang F*. Passive daytime radiative cooling materials toward real-world applications. Progress in Materials Science, 144: 101276, 2024. (IF: 37.4)

    [3]       Liu Yi#, Xie Y#, Chen H#, Liao J, Lu Y, Lan D, Wang C*. Design and experimental study of a compact thermoelectric device driven by solar heating and radiative cooling. Next Energy, 4: 100146, 2024.

    [4]       Wang C*, Bian H, Jiang Z. Multiple surface polariton-enhanced near-field radiative heat transfer between layered graphene/porous SiC terminals, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 220: 124991, 2024.

    [5]       Wang C*, Liu M, Jiang Z. Visible-to-near-infrared asymmetric transmission through a cross grating. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 315: 108899, 2024.

    [6]       Feng Y, Wang C*. Lattice Boltzmann study on magnetohydrodynamic double-diffusive convection in Fe3O4-H2O nanofluid-filled porous media. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 58: 104405, 2024.

    [7]       Chen Z, Dong M, Wang C*. Passive interfacial photothermal evaporation and sky radiative cooling assisted all-day freshwater harvesting: System design, experiment study, and performance evaluation, Applied Energy, 355: 122254, 2024. (IF: 11.2)

    [8]       Ymeli GL, Feng Y, Wang C*. Lattice Boltzmann simulations on transient radiative transfer problems in irregular geometries with constant or graded refractive index, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 197: 108750, 2024.

    [9]       Wang C*, Liu M, Pan C, Jiang Z. Broadband directional thermal radiator with flexible intensity-directivity tunability in the whole visible spectrum. Applied Physics Letters, 123: 022203, 2023.

    [10]   Wang C*, Chen H, Jiang Z, Zhang X, Wang F. Modelling and performance evaluation of a novel passive thermoelectric system based on radiative cooling and solar heating for 24-hour power generation, Applied Energy, 331: 120425, 2023. (IF: 11.2)

    [11]   Wang C*, Chen H, Jiang Z, Zhang X. Design and experimental validation of an all-day passive thermoelectric system via radiative cooling and greenhouse effects, Energy, 263: 125735, 2023.

    [12]   Wang C*, Bian H, Pan C, Jiang Z. Near-field thermal rectification via an InSb/graphene/3C-SiC-nanowire heterostructure, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 194: 108581, 2023.

    [13]   Wang C*, Zhang X, Pan C, Jiang Z. Unified discontinuous Galerkin finite element framework for conjugated radiation-conduction heat transfer. Physical Review E, 107, 045303, 2023.

    [14]   Ymeli GL, Wang C*. Generalized lattice Boltzmann method for radiative transfer problem in slab and irregular graded-index media, Physical Review E, 107: 015302, 2023.

    [15]   Zhang X, Wang C*. Development and application of discontinuous Galerkin method for solidification problems in a semitransparent medium-filled cavity, Journal of Energy Storage, 71: 108023, 2023.

    [16]   Ymeli GL, Liu X, Arantes F, Wang C*. Lattice Boltzmann method for radiative transfer in two-layered slab with graded-index and Fresnel reflecting surfaces, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 148: 107025, 2023.

    [17]   Ymeli GL, Liu X, Tapimo R, Wang C*. Transient radiative transfer in two graded-index slabs adhered by an infinitely thin vacuum via the lattice Boltzmann method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 211: 124228, 2023.

    [18]   Yadava M, Yadava RS, Wang C*. Lattice Boltzmann simulations of flow inside a converging and diverging nozzle with the insertion of single and multiple circular cylinders, Physics of Fluids, 35: 084110, 2023.

    [19]   Fokou A, Tchinda R, Ymeli GL, Lazard M, Wang C*. Estimating of the radiance in atmosphere-ocean systems with different atmosphere models by discrete spherical harmonics method, ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 145: 052802, 2023.

    [20]   Wang C*, Liu M, Jiang Z. TiO2 particle agglomeration impacts on radiative cooling films with a thickness of 50 μm, Applied Physics Letters, 121 (20): 121, 202204, 2022.

    [21]   Wang C*, Chen H, Jiang Z, Zhang X. Refractive index impacts on polarized signals from a homogeneous Rayleigh scattering medium exposed to oblique irradiation. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 139: 106434, 2022.

    [22]   Wang C*, Zhang X, Jiang Z. Discontinuous finite element method for transient conductive heat transfer in layered media with thermal contact resistance, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 138: 106344, 2022.

    [23]   Wang C*, Liu Z, Jiang Z, Zhang X. Double-diffusive convection in a magnetic nanofluid-filled porous medium: Development and application of a non-orthogonal lattice Boltzmann model, Physics of Fluids, 34 (6): 062012, 2022.

    [24]   Wang C*, Liu Z, Jiang Z, Zhang X. Numerical investigations of convection heat transfer in a thermal source-embedded porous medium via a lattice Boltzmann method. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 30: 101758, 2022.

    [25]   Feng Y, Wang C*, Xiang Y*, Zhang X. Internal thermal source effects on convection heat transfer in a two-dimensional porous medium: A lattice Boltzmann study. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 173: 107416, 2022.

    [26]   Feng Y, Wang C *. On the performance of a MRT lattice Boltzmann algorithm for transient radiative transfer problems. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 128: 105628, 2021.

    [27]   Wei L, Li G, Wang C*, Zhang W. Determination of gradient index based on laser beam deflection by stochastic particle swarm optimization, Applied Physics B, 127: 131, 2021.

    [28]   Wei L, Li G, Song M, Wang C*. Study on dynamic thermal behavior of PCM-filled double glazing unit under solar irradiation, International Journal of Energy Research, 11: 20672-20685, 2021.

    [29]   陈浩,王存海*,程子明,魏琳扬,王富强,张欣欣.基于辐射制冷-温室效应的热电系统性能分析.物理学报, 70(21): 214401, 2021.

    [30]   Wang C*, Wu X, Wang F, Zhang X. Optimization design of a multilayer structure for broadband and direction-selective emissivity. ES Energy & Environment, 11: 84-92, 2021.

    [31]   Feng Y, Wang C*. Discontinuous finite element method applied to transient pure and coupled radiative heat transfer. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 122: 105156, 2021. ESI高被引论文

    [32]   Wang C*, Feng Y, Yang Y, Ben X, Zhang X. Square pulse effects on polarized radiative transfer in an atmosphere-ocean model. Optics Express, 28(13): 18713-18727, 2020.

    [33]   Wang C*. Calculated radiance errors induced by neglecting the polarization of the irradiation beam exposed to an atmosphere. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 250: 106995, 2020.

    [34]   Wang C*, Feng Y, Yang Y, Zhang Y, Yue K, Zhang X. Chebyshev collocation spectral method for polarized radiative transfer and its application to two-layered media. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 243: 106822, 2020.

    [35]   王存海*,郑树,张欣欣.非规则形状介质内辐射-导热耦合传热的间断有限元求解.物理学报, 69(3): 034401, 2020

    [36]   Liu X, Huang Y*, Wang C*, Zhu K. Solving steady and transient radiative transfer problems with strong inhomogeneity via a lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 155: 119714, 2020.

    [37]   Wang C*, Feng Y, Yue K, Zhang X. Discontinuous finite element method for combined radiation-conduction heat transfer in participating media. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 108: 104287, 2019. ESI高被引论文

    [38]   Wang C*, Feng Y, Ben X, Yue K, Zhang X. Time-dependent polarized radiative transfer in an atmosphere-ocean system exposed to external illumination. Optics Express, 27(16): A981-A994, 2019.

    [39]   Wang C*, Feng Y, Yue K, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Polarized radiative transfer in complex media exposed to external irradiation. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 225: 166-179, 2019.

    [40]   Wang C *, Feng Y, Yue K, Zhang X. Discontinuous finite element method with unstructured meshes for polarized radiative transfer in irregular media. OSA Continuum, 2(4): 1474-1487, 2019.

    [41]   Feng Y, Wang C*. Discontinuous finite element method with a local numerical flux scheme for radiative transfer with strong inhomogeneity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 126: 783-795, 2018.

    [42]   Wang C*, Liu HY. Discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional media with inner obstacles. Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, 73(11): 806-822, 2018.

    [43]   Wang C, Qu L, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Three-dimensional polarized radiative transfer simulation using the discontinuous finite element method. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 208: 108-124, 2018.

    [44]   Wang C, Feng Y, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient/time-dependent radiative transfer in a two-dimensional scattering medium considering the polarization effect. Optics Express, 25(13): 14621-14634, 2017.

    [45]   Wang C, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient polarized radiative transfer analysis in a scattering medium by a discontinuous finite element method. Optics Express, 25(7): 7418-7442, 2017.

    [46]   Wang C, Yi HL, Tan HP. Discontinuous finite element method for vector radiative transfer. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 189: 383-397, 2017.

    [47]   Wang C, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Xie M. Analysis of transient radiative transfer induced by an incident short-pulsed laser in a graded-index medium with Fresnel boundaries. Applied Optics, 56(7): 1861-1871, 2017.

    [48]   王存海, 易红亮, 谈和平.间断有限元法求解一维矢量辐射传输. 工程热物理学报, 38(4): 833-840, 2017.

    [49]   Wang C, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in two-dimensional graded index medium by Monte Carlo method combined with the time shift and superposition principle. Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, 69(6): 574-588, 2016.

    [50]   Wang C, Ai Q, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in a graded index medium with specularly reflecting surfaces. Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, 67(11): 1232-1252, 2015.

    [51]   Yi HL*, Wang C, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in a complex refracting medium by a modified Monte Carlo simulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 79: 437-449, 2014. (导师一作)

    [52]   Yi HL*, Wang C, Tan HP, Zhou Y. Radiative heat transfer in semitransparent solidifying slab considering space-time dependent refractive index. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55(5-6): 1724-1731, 2012. (导师一作)



  • 1     王存海 等.一种基于辐射制冷-温室效应的温差发电装置,发明专利,ZL202011272766.7.

    2     王存海,冯岩岩.具有显著方向选择性发射率的多层薄膜结构,发明专利,ZL202110058298.1.

    3     陈姿颖,董明宇,王存海.一种新型蓄热电式窗帘,实用新型专利,ZL 202122083745.7.


    1. 第六届北京市大学生节能节水低碳减排社会实践与科技竞赛一等奖指导教师(获奖学生:陈阳阳 等),2024.

    2. 第十届全国大学生能源经济学术创意大赛北京市一等奖指导教师(获奖学生:刘倚宏 等),2024.

    3. 北京科技大学“十佳学术之星”指导教师(获奖学生:陈浩),2023.

    4. 第五届北京市大学生节能节水低碳减排社会实践与科技竞赛一等奖指导教师(获奖学生:刘倚宏 等),2023.

    5. 硕士研究生国家奖学金(获奖学生:陈浩),2023.

    6. 北京市本科生优秀毕业设计(获奖学生:陈姿颖),2023.

    7. 第三届全国能源动力类专业百篇优秀毕业论文(获奖学生:陈姿颖),2023.

    8. 北京科技大学研究生优秀毕业论文(获奖学生:张晓阳),2023.

    9. 第十五届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛国家级一等奖指导教师(获奖学生:陈姿颖 等),2022.

    10. 第三届北京市大学生节能节水低碳减排社会实践与科技竞赛一等奖指导教师(获奖学生:陈姿颖 等),2021.

    11. 第十一届挑战杯首都大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖指导教师(获奖学生:陈浩 等),2021.

    12. 北京科技大学本科生优秀毕业设计论文(获奖学生:陈浩),2021.

    13. 第十三届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛国家级一等奖指导教师(获奖学生:张禧龙 等),2020.


  • [1] 中国工程热物理学会、中国制冷学会、中国材料研究学会会员

    [2] Associate Editor, Frontiers in Thermal Engineering; 

    [3] Guest Editor, Energies.

    [4] 期刊审稿人:Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Phys. Fluids, Sci. Rep., Int. Commun. Heat Mass Transfer, Int. J. Therm. Sci, J. Quanti. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, J. Energy Storage, J. Build. Eng., Opt. Express, Opt. Lasers Eng., et al.

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