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- Yanan Song, Xiaobo Zhao*. 2016. Strategic Customer Behavior Facing Possible Stockout: An Experimental Study. International Journal of Production Economics. 180: 57-67. (SCI, SSCI, JCR一区)..
- Yanan Song, Xiaobo Zhao*. 2017. Newsvendor Problem with Boundedly Rational Strategic Customers. International Journal of Production Research. 55(1):228-243. (SCI, SSCI, JCR二区)..
- Yanan Song, Xiaobo Zhao, Wanshan Zhu*, Yefen Chen. 2018. Decision Bias of Strategic Customers with Private Value Information: An Experimental Study. Production and Operations Management. 28(5): 1305-1313. (SCI, SSCI, UT/DALLAS 24之一)..
- Wei Gu, Xiaoting Luan, Yanan Song* et al. 2021. Impact of Loyalty Program Investment on Firm Performance: Seasonal Products with Strategic Customers. European Journal of Operational Research. Online: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2021.09.046. (SCI, SSCI, JCR一区,ABS4星)..
- 陈俊霖,赵晓波,宋亚楠. 一类供应链中考虑公平关切的学习效应行为实验研究. 运筹与管理[J]. 2015, 24(2): 20-29. (CSSCI)..
- 谷炜, 于晓茹, 李晴, 宋亚楠, 闫相斌. C2C二手交易平台动态定价行为研究.系统工程理论与实践[J]. 2021, 41(5): 1150-1161. (CSSCI)..
- Yanan Song, Xiaobo Zhao. Strategic Customer Game in Newsvendor System: An Experimental Study. 20th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), 2014, Barcelona, Spain..
- Yanan Song, Xiaobo Zhao. An Experimental Study on Strategic Customer Behavior. 27th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO), 2015, Glasgow, Britain..
- Yanan Song, Xiaobo Zhao. Strategic Customer Game and Boundedly Rational Strategic Customer Behavior. 6th International Workshop on Behavioral Operations Management, 2014, Beijing..
- Yanan Song, Junlin Chen, et al. Analysis of supplier’s mental-accounting and retailer’s fairness concerns behaviors in a two-channel supply chain model, International Conference on Information Technology and Quantitative Management (ITQM), 2018, Omaha, USA.(EI会议).
- Yanan Song, Xiaobo Zhao. Decision Bias of Strategic Customers with Private Value Information: An Experimental Study. INFORMS Annual Meeting, 2018, Phoenix, USA..
- 谷炜, 赵晓慧, 宋亚楠*, 闫相斌. 考虑策略型消费者行为的零售商订货及忠诚度计划联合决策研究. 2020, 中国管理学年会,中国管理现代化研究会..