

Jiliang Pan

Personal Information

Name (English):Jiliang Pan

Name (Pinyin):Pan Jiliang


School/Department:University of Science and Technology Beijing

Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)


Professional Title:Lecturer

Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology Beijing

Engineering Mechanics
Geotechnical Engineering
Mining Engineering

Honors and Titles:
2022-07 elected:北京市优秀毕业生,北京市教育委员会
2020-12 elected:博士研究生国家奖学金,中华人民共和国教育部
2019-06 elected:北京科技大学优秀共产党员
2018-11 elected:北京科技大学优秀研究生干部

Other Contact Information:




Research Field

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Paper Publications more+
[1] Jiliang Pan,Zhiming Feng,Ying Zhang,Xun Xi,Meifeng Cai.Experimental study on evaluation of porosity, thermal conductivity, UCS, and elastic modulus of g....Geoenergy Science and Engineering,2023,230 [2] Jiliang Pan,Xu Wu,Peng Li,Ying Zhang.Mechanical properties and thermo-chemical damage constitutive model of granite subjected to therm....Construction and Building Materials,2023,390 [3] Jiliang Pan,Xu Wu,Qifeng Guo,Fenhua Ren,Meifeng Cai.Physical properties evolution and microscopic mechanisms of granite modified by thermal and chemi....Case Studies in Thermal Engineering,2023,41 [4] Jiliang Pan,Meifeng Cai,Peng Li.A damage constitutive model of rock-like materials containing a single crack under the action of ....Journal of Central South University,2022,29 [5] Jiliang Pan,Meifeng Cai.Effect of joint density on rockburst proneness of the elastic-brittle-plastic rock mass.Shock and Vibration,2021,2021 [6] Jiliang Pan,Xu Wu,Xun Xi,Meifeng Cai.Uniaxial Experimental Study of the Deformation Behavior and Energy Evolution of Conjugate Jointed....Advances in Civil Engineering,2022,2022 [7] 潘继良,任奋华,张英,武旭.化学浸泡作用下热冲击花岗岩物理特性与导热性能演化机制.工程科学学报,2022, [8] 潘继良,任奋华,蔡美峰.渗流作用下深埋岩石巷道不同强度准则对比分析.煤炭学报,2019, [9] 潘继良,高召宁.考虑应变软化和扩容的圆形巷道围岩强度准则效应.煤炭学报,2018, [10] 潘继良,考虑渗流和剪胀的圆形巷道围岩广义SMP准则解.煤田地质与勘探,2019,
[1] 一种高温化学岩石剪切渗流耦合三轴试验装置 [2] 一种锚杆抗腐蚀性能试验装置 [3] 一种多锚固体试件的恒温应力腐蚀装置及试验方法 [4] 一种温度可控的岩石水化学浸泡试验装置 [5] 一种充填料浆管道泄漏监测系统 [6] 一种氯离子浓度可调节的煤岩浸泡试验装置
Published Books

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Research Projects
[1] 包干制-深部地热储层热刺激-水力剪切协同增渗机制与声发射响应特征,进行, [2] 深部开采高应力储能岩石(体)动态疲劳特性与能耗机制研究,在研, [3] 地下非煤矿山危险征兆智能巡检关键技术及装备,在研, [4] 深部矿产和地热资源共采战略研究,结题, [5] 绿色矿山建设助推“碳达峰、碳中和”的战略研究,在研, [6] 多场耦合作用下深部矿山突水孕灾机理多尺度分析与预判模型,结题,