Paper Publications
- [1]Ding Nan,Fengchao Liu, Rongkang Ma.Effect of proximity on recombination innovation in R&D collaboration: an empirical analysis [J]. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management. 2018.30 (8):921-934.
- [2]Ding Nan, Fengchao Liu.Innovation-driven development in Northeast China: A perspective of regional transition. Regional Economic Review of East Asia. 2018(1).
- [3]Ding Nan, Arjan Markus, Leon Oerlemans.Draw to a close: inventor triad behavior and invention quality. DRUID21, October 18-20, 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- [4]Ding Nan, Fengchao Liu.Local, domestic collaboration, intra-organizational network, and firm innovation performance. DRUID19, June 19-21, 2019, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- [5]Ding Nan, Arjan Markus, Leon Oerlemans.Tertius iungens behavior of inventor brokers and innovation quality: evidence from the U.S. biotechnology context. 35th EGOS Colloquium Enlightening the Future: The Challenge for Organizations. University of Edinburgh Business School. July 4–6, 2019. Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
- [6]刘凤朝,楠丁.地理邻近对企业创新绩效的影响[J].科学学研究, 2018(9):1708-1715.
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