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- Winner-leave versus Loser-leave in Multi-stage Nested Tullock Contests, Games and Economic Behavior 132, 2022, pp. 337-352 (与Jingfeng Lu、Zhewei Wang和 Lixue Zhou合作,SSCI).
- Technology Licensing and Innovation—A Correction on Two-part Tariff Analysis, Economics Letters 183, 2019 (第一作者,与Swapnendu Banerjee和Sougata Poddar合作,SSCI).
- Strategic Choice of Network Externality and Its Impact on Digital Piracy, Review of Industrial Organization 52(1), 2018, pp. 139-160 (第一作者,与 Sougata Poddar合作,SSCI).
- 电视平台竞争:从免费模式到付费模式,《经济学(季刊)》第14卷第2期,2015年1月,731-756页(第一作者&通讯作者,与张旭合作).
- 总体努力水平约束下的Tullock竞赛与最优约束机制设计:总体约束,个体约束还是无努力水平约束?《经济学(季刊)》第14卷第1期,2014年10月,395-416页(通讯作者,与侯琨、张岚合作).
- Patent Licensing in Spatial Models, Economic Modelling 42, October 2014, pp.250-256 (第一作者,与 Sougata Poddar合作,SSCI).
- Accommodation or Deterrence in the Face of Commercial Piracy: the Impact of Intellectual Property Rights Protection, Oxford Economic Papers 64(3), July 2012, pp.518-538 (第一作者,与Sougata Poddar合作,SSCI).
- Incentivizing R&D: Prize or Subsidies, International Journal of Industrial Organization 30(1), January 2012, pp. 67-79 (与Qiang Fu和Jingfeng Lu合作,SSCI).
- 同质市场中产量匹配惩罚策略下的默契合谋,《经济学(季刊)》第10卷第1期,2010年10月,169-182页.
- Tacit Collusion with Price-Matching Punishments, International Journal of Industrial Organization 28(3), May 2010, pp. 298-306(第一作者,与Julian Wright合作,SSCI).
- Retailers’ Incentive to Sell through a New Selling Channel and Pricing Behavior in a Multi-channel Environment, Annals of Economics and Finance 9(2), November 2008, pp.315-343 (第一作者,与Xiaolin Xing和Fangfang Tang合作,SSCI).
- Firm Ownership, Product Differentiation and Welfare, The Manchester School, 75(2), March 2007, pp. 210-217 (第一作者,与Sougata Poddar合作,SSCI).
- Endogenous Timing in a Mixed Oligopoly: Another Forgotten Equilibrium, Economics Letters, 94(2), February 2007, pp. 226-227(SSCI).
- Endogenous Timing in a Mixed Oligopoly with Foreign Competitors: the Linear Demand Case, Journal of Economics, 88(1), June 2006, pp. 49-68(SSCI).