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- [1] Niu, W., Huang, L., Li, X., Zhang, J., and Chen, M.* “Beyond the Review Information: Investigati.... [2] Shao, Z., and Li, X.* “The Influences of Three Task Characteristics on Innovative Use of Malleab.... [3] Shao, Z., Li, X.*, and Wang, Q. “From Ambidextrous Learning to Digital Creativity: An Integrated.... [4] Feng, B., Li, X.*, and Lin, L. “Valenced Social Identities and the Digital Divide in Online Heal.... [5] Li, X.*, Rai, A., and Ganapathy, K. “Designing Cost-Effective Telemedicine Camps for the Underpr.... [6] Li, J., Zhang, C., Li, X.*, and Zhang, C. “Patients’ Emotional Bonding with MHealth Apps: An At.... [7] Li, X.*, Hsieh, J.P., and Rai, A. “Motivational Differences across Post-Acceptance IS Usage Beha.... [8] Wang, W.*, Li, X., and Hsieh, J. P. “The Contingent Effect of Personal IT Innovativeness and IT .... [9] Zhou, Z., Li, X., and Li, X. “Conceptualizing Restricted Use in the Social Media Context”. Proc.... [10] Li, Z., Li, X., Guo, X., and Cheng, G. “WeChat C2C Commerce and Expressive and Instrumental Ties....
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- [1] 2018-2020 “贫困人口远程医疗:基于生态心理学的理论构建与机制设计” 项目主持人 (基金号:71701110, ..., [2] 2015-2019 “医疗与健康的数据分析与决策” 子项目主持人 (基金号: 71432004, RMB¥2,705,000), [3] 2015-2019 “大数据环境下的商务行为机理研究” 子项目主持人 (基金号: 71490721, RMB¥1,140,000), [4] 2015-2018 “基于公共衍生大数据分析的政府决策过程重构与评估方法研究” 项目参与人 (基金号: 71473143...,