- Professional Title:Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Discipline:Structural Engineering
Administrative Position:城镇化与城市安全研究院执行院长
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- Paper Publications
- Liu YF*, Liu XG, Fan JS, Spencer B.F., Wei Xiao-Chen, Konga Si-Yu, Guo XH. Refined safety assessment of steel grid structures with crooked tubular members, Automation in Construction, 2019, 99: 249-264..
- 刘晓刚, 李连友, 聂鑫, 樊健生*,组合式消能减震墩柱试验与设计方法研究. 土木工程学报,2017,50(2): 73-81.
- Yue QR, Zheng Y, Chen X, Liu XG*. Research on fatigue performance of CFRP reinforced steel crane girder, Composite Structures, 2016 154: 277-285.
- Liu XG, Fan JS*, Liu YF, Yue QR, Nie JG. Experimental research of replaceable Q345GJ steel shear links considering cyclic buckling and plastic overstrength. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2017,134:160-179..
- Liu XG, Fan JS*, Liu YF, Zheng MG, Nie JG. Theoretical research into cyclic web buckling and plastic overstrength of shear links, Thin-walled Structures, 2020, 152: 106644.