- Professional Title:Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Discipline:Mechanical Design and Theory
Administrative Position:机械工程学院机械装备与控制工程系副主任
Contact Information
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- Paper Publications
- Optimization of nonlinear energy sink using Euler-buckled beams combined with piezoelectric energy harvester.[J].England:Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2024,223111812.
- 丁伯森,朱冬梅.设计参数对一体化准零刚度隔振器的冲击隔离性能研究.[J].国防科技大学学报,2024,46(4):159-168.
- Zhongren Yang,Hongbo Li,Tian Wang.Study on the Dynamic Performance of X-shaped Vibration Isolator with Friction Damping Based on Incremental Harmonic Balance Method.[C].Advances in Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, Vibration, and Control – 2023,2024,1-14.
- Haiping Liu,Shikun Zhou,Yan Wang,Qi Lv.Effects of section configurations on the dynamic responses of an integrated quasi-zero isolator.[J].Thin-Walled Structures,2024,
- Zengcheng Zhou,Haiping Liu.Fixed-time safe-by-design control for uncertain active vehicle suspension systems with nonlinear reference dynamics.[J].IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,2023,
- Jun Zhang,Dashan Shen,Chunri Quan.Dynamic responses and nonlinear characteristics of a nonlinear absorber with Euler-buckled beams for spacecraft flywheel systems.[J].International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics,2024,24(17):2450189.
- Haiping Liu,Jun Zhang,Dashan Shen,Kaili Xiao.Euler-buckled beam based nonlinear energy sink for vibration reduction of flywheel system under different excitations.[J].Journal of Vibration and Control,2023,
- Haiping Liu,Longgan Mao,Tian Wang,Yongtao Hou.Theoretical and experimental study on a dual-stage variable stiffness friction damper for satellite flywheel.[J].Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,2023,(185):109761.
- 刘海平,张世乘,门玲鸰,何振强.面向激光跟踪仪宽频隔振器的理论分析及试验评价.[J].物理学报,2022,71(16):160701.
- Haiping Liu,Kaili Xiao,Qi Lv,Yunlong Ma.Analysis and experimental study on dynamic characteristics of an integrated quasi-zero stiffness isolator.[J].Journal of Vibration and Acoustics-Transactions of the ASME,2022,(144):021002.