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- 魏巍, 李春, 刘博深. 液力变矩器叶栅数据库模块化封装集成设计方法研究[J]. 车辆与动力技术, 2015(04): 22-26..
- 闫清东, 刘博深, 魏巍. 拉延筋对冲焊型液力变矩器内流特性影响规律研究[J]. 液压与气动, 2015(07): 120-124..
- 闫清东, 刘博深, 魏巍. 基于动网格的冲焊型液力变矩器流固耦合分析[J]. 华中科技大学学报:自然科学版, 2015, 43(12):37-41.
- 闫清东, 刘博深, 魏巍,等. 液力变矩器流体-固体耦合压力脉动分析[J]. 兵工学报, 2016, 37(4):577-583..
- 刘博深, 魏巍, 闫清东. 液力元件叶轮流道混合材质填充成型方法[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2015, 47(7):52-56..
- Liu B., Hamed A. M., Chamorro L. P. On the Kelvin–Helmholtz and von Kármán vortices in the near-wake of semicircular cylinders with flaps[J]. Journal of Turbulence, 2018, 19:1-11..
- Liu B., Yan Q., Wei W. Numerical investigations of the flow induced oscillation of a torque converter[J]. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 12(1):270-281..
- Liu B., Hamed A. M., Jin Y., Chamorro L. P. Influence of vortical structure impingement on the oscillation and rotation of flat plates[J]. Journal of Fluids & Structures, 2017, 70:417-427..
- 闫清东, 宋泽民, 魏巍, 谭路, 刘博深. 液力变矩器导轮叶片表面压力测量与分析[J]. 机械工程学报, 2019, 55(10): 115-121..
- 魏巍, 刘旭, 刘博深, 闫清东. 基于厚度变化的液力变矩器轻量化潜力研究[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2020, 52(01): 91-99..
- Liu B., Tan L., Li J. Influence of pump rotation speed on hydrodynamic performance and stator blade surface pressure pulsation in torque converter[J]. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, Oct 2020, 142(10): 101207..
- Y. Pan, F. Ma, B. Liu, T. Cai. Cavitation intensity and erosion pattern of a self-excited cavitating jet[J], Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2020..
- T. Cai, B. Liu, F. Ma, Y. Pan. Influence of nozzle lip geometry on the Strouhal number of self-excited waterjet[J], Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019..
- Boshen Liu, Fei Ma. Erosion characteristics and the corresponding self-resonating oscillation of cavitating jet on oblique surfaces[J]. Energies, 2020, 13(10) 2563..
- B. Liu, Y. Pan & F. Ma. Pulse pressure loading and erosion pattern of cavitating jet[J]. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2020, 14(1), 136-150..