

Recommended MA Supervisor

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Scientific Research

Current position: Home >> Scientific Research

Research Field

  • His research mainly focuses on the multi-scale stress, deformation, and phase transformation behaviors of metallic materials using large-scale facilities such as neutron and synchrotron radiation. Specific research areas include the development of synchrotron/neutron-related characterization methods and in-situ devices, microstructure and performance optimization of high-performance high-entropy alloys, microscopic mechanisms of stress-induced reorientation of zirconium alloy hydrides, irradiation damage behavior of nuclear stainless steels, thermal aging embrittlement and service damage behavior of nuclear power stainless steels and weldments, service behavior of advanced sodium-cooled/lead-cooled fast reactor materials, multi-scale stress assessment of aerospace components like high-temperature alloys and titanium alloys, and the development of advanced dissimilar material joining techniques based on laser additive manufacturing. He has established good cooperative relationships with facilities such as the Advanced Photon Source (APS) in the USA, the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, the China Spallation Neutron Source, and the China Mianyang Research Reactor.

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