Paper Publications
- [1]Weijun He, Bo Wang, Danish, Zhaohua Wang. Will regional economic integration influence carbon dioxide marginal abatement costs? Evidence from Chinese panel data [J]. Energy Economics2018; 74: 263-274. (SSCI, ABS3星).
- [2]Weijun He, Yi Yang, Zhaohua Wang, Joe Zhu. Estimation and allocation of cost savings from collaborative CO2 abatement in China [J]. Energy Economics 2018; 72:62-74. (SSCI,ABS3星).
- [3]Weijun HE, Bin Zhang, Yixuan Li, Hao Chen. A performance analysis framework for carbon emission quota allocation schemes in China: Perspectives from economics and energy conservation [J]. Journal of Environmental Management 2021, 296: 113165. (SSCI, ABS3星).
- [4]Weijun HE. Bin. Zhang*. A comparative analysis of Chinese provincial carbon dioxide emissions allowances allocation schemes in 2030: An egalitarian perspective [J]. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 765:142705. (SCI).
- [5]Weijun HE, Bin. Zhang*, Tao. Ding. Sources of provincial carbon intensity reduction potential in China: Anon-parametric fractional programming approach [J]. Science of the Total Environment 2020, 730: 139037 (SCI).
- [6]Hao Chen, Xi Chen, Jinye Niu, Mengyu Xiang, Weijun HE*, SinanKüfeoğlu. Estimating the marginal cost of reducing power outage durations in China: A parametric distance function approach [J]. Energy Policy 2021, 155:112366. (SSCI).
- [7]Weijun HE, Di Liu, Chen Wang. Are Chinese provincial carbon emissions allowances misallocated over 2000–2017? Evidence from an extended Gini-coefficient approach [J]. Sustainable Production and Consumption 2022, 29:564-573. (SSCI).
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