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Paper Publications
[1]Li Li , P.J. Wei, X. Guo. Rayleigh wave on the half-space with a gradient piezoelectric layer and imperfect interface. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 40 (2016) 8326–8337.
[2]Xiao Guo, Songsong Ji, Huan Liu, Ke Ren. Dispersion relations of elastic waves in three-dimensional cubical piezoelectric phononic crystal with initial stresses and mechanically and dielectrically imperfect interfaces. Applied Mathematical Modelling. Under Review.
[3]Xiao Guo, Huan Liu, Kai Zhang, Huiling Duan. Dispersion relations of elastic waves in two-dimensional tessellated piezoelectric phononic crystals. Applied Mathematical Modelling 56 (2018) 65–82.
[4]Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei, Li Li, Man Lan. Effects of functionally graded interlayers on dispersion relations of shear horizontal waves in layered piezoelectric/piezomagnetic cylinders. Applied Mathematical Modelling 55 (2018) 569–582.
[5]Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei, Man Lan, Li Li. Dispersive relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric/piezomagnetic phononic crystal with functionally graded interlayers. Ultrasonics, 70 (2016), 158-171..
[6]Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei. Dispersion relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric/piezomagnetic phononic crystal with initial stresses. Ultrasonics, 66 (2016), 72–85..
[7]Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei. Dispersion relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric phononic crystal with initial stresses. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 106 (2016), 231–244..
[8]Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei, Li Li. Dispersion relations of elastic waves in one-dimensional piezoelectric phononic crystal with mechanically and dielectrically imperfect interfaces. Mechanics of Materials, 93 (2016), 168–183..
[9]Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei, Li Li, Qiheng Tang. Influences of mechanically and dielectrically imperfect interfaces on the reflection and transmission waves between two piezoelectric half spaces. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 63 (2015), 184–205.
[10]Xiao Guo, Peijun Wei. Effects of initial stress on the reflection and transmission waves at the interface between two piezoelectric half spaces. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51 (2014), 3735–3751.
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