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个人信息Personal Information
- Yanmin Shao*, Yan Shang, Decisions of OFDI Engagement and Location for Heterogeneous Multinational firms: Evidence from Chinese firms, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 112:178-187,2016 (SSCI期刊)..
- Yanmin Shao*, Shouyang Wang, Productivity Growth and Environmental Efficiency of China’s Nonferrous Metals Industry, Journal of Cleaner Production, 137:1663-1671,2016 (SCI期刊) ..
- Yanmin Shao*, Analysis of Energy Savings Potential of China’s Nonferrous Metals Industry, Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 117,25-33,2017(SCI期刊)..
- Yanmin Shao*, Changfu Sun, Performance Evaluation of China’s Air Routes Based on Network Data Envelopment Analysis Approach, Journal of Air Transport Management, 55:67-75,2016 (SSCI期刊)..
- Yanmin Shao*, Shouyang Wang, The Effect of Economic Cooperation on China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment— A Spatial Panel Data Approach, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2017(SSCI期刊)..
- Yali Wang, Yanmin Shao*, Motivations of Chinese Outward Direct Investment: the Sector Perspective, Journal of System Science and Complex, 29:698-721,2016 (SCI期刊)..
- Wei Yang, Jinfeng Shi, Han Qiao, Yanmin Shao*, Shouyang Wang, Regional Technical Efficiency of Chinese Iron and Steel Industry Based on Bootstrap Network Data Envelopment Analysis, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 57:14-24,2017 (SSCI期刊)..
- Rongbao Gu, Yanmin Shao, How Long the Singular Value Decomposed Entropy Predicts the Stock Market?—Evidence from the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application, 453(1): 150–161, 2016 (SCI期刊)..
- Mingting Kou, Kaihua Chen, Shouyang Wang, Yanmin Shao, Measuring Efficiencies of Multi-period and Multi-division Systems Associated with DEA: An Application to OECD Countries’ National Innovation Systems, Expert Systems with Applications, 46:494–510, 2016 (SCI期刊)..
- Changfu Sun, Yanmin Shao*, A Research on Network Structure of DEA Models and Its Application on China’s Airport, IEEE International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences(EI), 2015..
- Wei Yang, Yanmin Shao*, Han Qiao, Shouyang Wang, An Empirical Analysis on Regional Technical Efficiency of Chinese Steel Sector based on Network DEA Method, Procedia Computer Science31: 615-624, 2014..
- Changfu Sun, Yanmin Shao*, An Empirical Analysis of the Spatial Links in China’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment, IEEE International Conference on Logistics, Informatics and Service Sciences(EI), 2016..
- 邵燕敏*, 汪寿阳, 基于门限向量误差修正模型的中国与国际有色金属期货价格关联性研究, 系统工程理论与实践(EI期刊), 2012, 32(11): 2387-2393..
- 邵燕敏*, 杨娴, 汪寿阳, 我国有色金属进出口贸易的影响因素分解及其变化趋势, 系统工程理论与实践(EI期刊), 2011, 31(11): 2088-2094..
- 尚妍, 郑桂环, 邵燕敏*, 汇率对中国出口的非对称影响: 基于MRSTR模型的研究, 系统工程理论与实践(EI期刊), 2016, 2016,36(9):2240-2247..