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[34] 苗胜军,Top coal deformation characteristics of high section fully-mechanized top-coal caving for extra-steep-thick seam.The 44th US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium,1.
[35] 苗胜军,基于加卸载响应比的载荷岩石动力学特征试验研究.煤炭学报,34(3):2.
[36] 苗胜军,Simulation experiment of AE-based localization damage and deformation characteristic on covering rock of mined-out area.International Journal of minerals, Metallurgy and materials,16(3):2.
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[38] 苗胜军,Stability analysis on pillars near backfilled goafs.BOUNDARIES OF ROCK MECHANICS: RECENT ADVANCES AND CHALLENGES FOR THE 21ST CENTURY,
[39] 苗胜军,Adjustment and uncertainty analysis of GPS deformation monitoring.Yantu Lixue/Rock and Soil Mechanics,
[40] 苗胜军,基于正交试验设计的滑带土参数敏感性分析.中国矿业,16(09):