Professional Title:Research Fellow
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
Yan Qun, Li Qing, Zhang Peichang, Yu Datai. Temperature Modeling of PEM Fuel Cell Based on Fuzzy Strategy, Proceedings - The 26th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (2014 CCDC). (EI).
Yan Qun, Xu Peng, Yu Da-tai, Tang Yong-xin,μ Synthesis Robust Control on Regenerative Braking of Hybrid Power System Electric Vehicle,Proceedings - 2013 5th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, IHMSC 2013, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China,(EI).
Cui J, Li Q, Cao B, Li X, Yan Q. A Novel Bidirectional Interaction Model and Electric Energy Measuring Scheme of EVs for V2G with Distorted Power Loads[J]. CMES-COMPUTER MODELING IN ENGINEERING & SCIENCES, 2022, 130(3): 1789–1806..
Cao B, Cui J, Li Q, Wang M, Li X, Yan Q. Online Prediction Method of Molten Aluminium Height in Electrolytic Cell Based on Extreme Learning Machine with Kernel Function[J]. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING, 2021, 2021..
阎群,李擎,崔家瑞,李希胜,杨旭.新工科背景下实践类课程混合教学模式研究[J]. 实验技术与管理,2021,38(1):198-201..
阎群,李擎,李希胜,崔家瑞,栗辉. 基于OPC技术的先进控制半实物实训平台设计[J]. 实验技术与管理,2020,37(7):100-104..
阎群,李擎,李希胜,崔家瑞,栗辉. 依托智能制造挑战赛强化创新人才培养的探索与实践[J]. 实验技术与管理,2020,37(4):20-23..
阎群, 李擎, 崔家瑞, 郭荣庆, 颜贻宏. 多重反馈二阶有源低通滤波器优化设计与仿真[J]. 现代电子技术,2018,41(14):14-18..
阎群,李擎,崔家瑞,徐银梅,王国霞. 大学生解决复杂工程问题能力培养的探索与实践[J]. 实验技术与管理,2017, 34(11):178-181+186..
阎群,张文虎,张培昌,余达太. 8kW常温常压空冷PEM燃料电池堆设计.电源技术,2014,38(4):647-650.