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- 李 远, 乔 兰, 隋智力, 李庆文. 岩石材料脆性剪切破坏模式下的强度分析 (JA). 北京科技大学学报. 2012年12月, 1364-1370..
- Lu Chen, Lan Qiao, Gautam Dasgupta, Qingwen Li. Based on the geostress to study ore pillars recovery in complex mining areas. Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research. 2014, 32(6), 2307-2312..
- 李淼, 乔兰, 李庆文. 高应变率下预制单节理岩石SHPB劈裂试验能量耗散分析, 岩土工程学报, 2017, 39(7): 1336-1343..
- Ming Cui, Bo Jiang, Qingwen Li, Lan Qiao. Based on the continuum damage mechanics to estimate scope of blasting crushed and fractured zone (JA). International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering. 2015, 8(6):2574-2578..
- 邵扬, 李庆文, 乔兰, 等. 考虑能耗特性的岩桥型边坡动力失稳研究[J].中国矿业, 2018, 27(5): 122-127..
- Zhengsheng Li, Qingwen Li, Wen Gao, Qifeng Guo. Research on Stability of Soil-rock Dual Structure Slope Based on Inversion of Tectonic Stress Field (JA). International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 2014, 7(5): 1661-1667..
- Zhengsheng Li, Qingwen Li, Ming Cui, Lu Chen. Blasting Analysis of Structural Vibration to Highway Tunnels (JA). The Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2015, 20(3), 909-918..
- Qifeng Guo, Qingwen Li. Based on the Linear Elastic Energy Criterion to Analyze Rock Burst Tendency in Deep Rock Mass (JA). Energy Education Science and Technology Part A: Energy Science and Research. 2014, 32(6), 2307-2312..
- 李远, 王卓, 乔兰, 蔡美峰, 李庆文. 基于双温度补偿的瞬接续采型空心包体地应力测试技术研究. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2017, 36 (6): 1479-1487..
- Lan Qiao, Qingwen Li. Study on the effect of underground blasting on slope stability based on the AE monitoring (CA). 2nd ISRM international Young Scholars’ Symposium on Rock Mechanics: Achievements and Ambitions. 2012, 883-886. 24..
- 王玥, 史继尧, 李庆文*. 基于连续破坏理论的爆破损伤区界定. 中国矿业, 2016年6月, 第25卷增刊1: 390-393..
- Tian Shenglong, Qiao Lan, and Li Qingwen*, Adopting the In-Situ Test and Numerical Simulation to the Design of Underwater Rock Plug Blasting, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 2016 (21.19), pp 6359-6370..
- Duju Wang, Qingwen Li* and Weitao Zhang. The research of frost heaving damage caused by fracture extension length under the freezing conditions. International Journal of Science, 2016, 3(2): 125-130..
- Gang Li, Qingwen Li*. A rock burst comprehensive prediction method: Application in West Anshan iron mine. International Journal of Science, 2015, 2(12): 192-196..
- 张 岩, 李庆文*, 李淼, 崔明. 不同应变率下砂岩的动态力学特性研究. 中国矿业, 2015, 24增刊2(10), 162-166..