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联系方式:邮 箱:qinqin@me.ustb.edu.cn 办公电话:010-62334845 手 机:13661040143 微 信:13661040143
- Qin Qin, Zhenglin Yang ,Finite element simulation of bulge deformation for slab continuous casting, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOG,2017.11,Vol.93(9-12),4357-4370.
- Qin Qin, Mingliang Tian, Jinmiao Pu and Jianlin Huang ,Investigation of a Coupled Arrhenius-Type/Rossard Equation of AH36 Material, Materials 2017, 10, 407.
- 秦勤,邓俊超,臧勇,谢璐,朱学辉,热压316L/Q345R复合板结合性能研究,工程科学学报2018.4,469--477.
- Qin, Q; He, W; Xie, L; Deng, JC; Zhu, XH; Peng, Q,Nonlinear diffusion, bonding, and mechanics of the interface between austenitic steel and iron,PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,Vol.21(3),p1464-1470,JAN 21 2019.
- Qin, Q; Li, M; Huang, JL,Analysis of the Influence of Segmented Rollers on Slab Bulge Deformation,METALS, Vol.9(2),FEB 2019.
- Qin,Q ; An, HJ; He,CW;Xie,L ; Peng, Q,Anisotropic and temperature dependent mechanical properties of carbon honeycomb,NANOTECHNOLOGY,AUG.2019.
- Li, XL [ 1 ] ; Zang, Y [ 1 ] ; Mu, L [ 1 ] ; Lian, Y [ 2 ] ; Qin, Q [ 1 ], Erosion analysis of machine gun barrel and lifespan prediction under typical shooting conditions, WEAR, vol. 444, MAR 15 2020.
- Qin, Q ; Sun, TW ; Wang, HX ; Brault, P ; An, HJ ; Xie, L ; Peng, Q, Adsorption and Diffusion of Hydrogen in Carbon Honeycomb, NANOMATERIALS, Vol.10(2), FEB 2020.
- QinQin,JianlinHuang,YongZang, Improvement of three - dimensional bulge deformation model for continuous casting slab, Journal of Manufacturing Processes,Vol.55, July 2020.
- Qin Qin, Li Cheng, He Liu , Ye Chenlong , Zang Yong,An Investigation of Interface Bonding Strength of Bimetal Plate Based on the Optimization of Asymmetric Double Cantilever Beam Model,ACTA METALLURGICA SINICA,Vol. 56(12), DEC 2020.
- Qin,Qin,He,Liu,Li, Cheng,Control and optimization of bulge defect in incremental forming of cu-Al bimetal,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIAL FORMING, JAN 2021.
- Qin,Qin,He,Liu,Li,Cheng,Zang,Yong,Research on Springback Defects in Incremental Forming of Cu-Al Bimetal,Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng/China Mechanical Engineering, Vol.32(3),February 2021.