Qin, Q; Li, M; Huang, JL,Analysis of the Influence of Segmented Rollers on Slab Bulge Deformation,METALS, Vol.9(2),FEB 2019
上一条:Qin, Q; He, W; Xie, L; Deng, JC; Zhu, XH; Peng, Q,Nonlinear diffusion, bonding, and mechanics of the interface between austenitic steel and iron,PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS,Vol.21(3),p1464-1470,JAN 21 2019
下一条:Qin,Q ; An, HJ; He,CW;Xie,L ; Peng, Q,Anisotropic and temperature dependent mechanical properties of carbon honeycomb,NANOTECHNOLOGY,AUG.2019