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- Y.M. Zhu, Q. Zhan*, J.C. Yang, Y. Bitla, P.P. Liu, C.I. Li, H.J. Liu, V. S. Kumar, E. Arenholz, Q. He, and Y.H. Chu*, Enhanced Structural and Magnetic Coupling in a Mesocrystal-Assisted Nanocomposite, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 2016, 8, 1104−1111.
- Y.M. Zhu, T.H. Do, V.T. Tra, R. Yu, Y.H Chu, Q. Zhan*, Atomic heterointerfaces and electrical transportation properties in self-assembled LaNiO3-NiO heteroepitaxy, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 5 (7) 2018, 1701202.
- Y.F. Zhang, Q. Zhan*, S. Ohnuki, A. Kimura, F.R. Wan, K. Yoshida, Y. Nagai, Radiation-hardening and nano-cluster formation in neutron- irradiated 9Cre2W low activation steels with different Si contents, J. Nucl. Mater., 2019, 517: 1-8.
- H.L. Wang, P.C. Wu, Q.H. Zhang, X.K. Er, L. Gu, F.R. Wan, Y.H. Chu, Q. Zhan*, Atomic heterointerfaces in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3/SrIrO3 superlattices, Materials Characterization, 2020, 169: 110597.
- Y.F. Zhang, J.K. Du, P.P. Liu, P.F. Zheng, S.W. Yang, F.R. Wan, Q. Zhan*, Response of microstructure and hardening to deuterium ion irradiation in V-4Cr-4Ti-1.8Y-0.4Ti3SiC2 and V-4Cr-4Ti alloy, Fusion Engineering and Design, 2020, 159: 111789.
- H.L. Wang, K.H. Tan, Y.F. Zhang, X.K. Er, W.S. Chang, F.R. Wan, and Q. Zhan*,Atomic-Scale Domain Mediation in Nd-Doped BiFeO3 Film, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater., 2020, 2: 4127-4133.
- X.K. Er, H.L. Wang, P.W. Shao, Q.H. Ma, Y.H. Chu, Q. Zhan*, The microstructure and ferroelectric properties of PbZr0.52Ti0.48O3 films on mica substrates, Ceram. Int., 2021, 47: 9252-9257.
- X.K. Er, F. Shao, S.Z. Diao, H.L. Wang, Q.H. Ma, P.P. Liu, J.X. Zhang, Q. Zhan*, Design, synthesis, microstructure and electrical properties of thermal-strained PZT films, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 2021, 41: 5512–5518.
- H.Q. Yu, S.L. Wang, Y.F. Zhang, Q. Liu, S.Z. Diao, P.P. Liu, N.H. Oono, S. Ukai, F.R. Wan, S. Ohnuki, Q. Zhan*, Response of nanoclusters to heavy-ion irradiation in an Fe-12Cr ODS steel, Fusion Engineering and Design, 2021, 172: 112759.
- X.K. Er, P. Chen, J.S. Guo, Y.X. Hou, X.B. Yu, P.P. Liu, Y. Bai, Q. Zhan*,Enhanced energy-storage performance in a flexible film capacitor with coexistence of ferroelectric and polymorphic antiferroelectric domains, Journal of Materiomics, 2021, in press.