









基于5G、航空航天等国家重大工程中的散热需求,长期从事多形态氮化物可控制备及其热管理应用研究。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目、国家自然科学基金联合基金(重点项目)课题、国家重点研发计划子课题等纵向科研项目十余项,另与华为技术有限公司、天津航空机电有限公司等开展多项校企合作项目。迄今已发表SCI论文70余篇,以第一/通讯作者在J. Adv. Ceram.Chem. Eng. J.J. Mater. Chem. AACS Appl. Mater. Inter (3),J. Am. Ceram. Soc. (4), Ceram. Int. (10)等期刊发表论文38篇,其中TOP论文29篇,2篇封面论文,2篇热点论文。申请/授权发明专利10项,参与编写导热填料学术专著1部,联合发布团体标准2项。目前担任J. Adv. Ceram., Int. J. Min. Met. Mater.Prog. Nat. Sci.-Mater.等多个期刊青年编委,北京市室内及车内环境净化协会专家委员会委员,天津航空机电有限公司、北新建材集团外部技术专家。作为大会秘书及分会秘书,先后参与举办了中日韩纳米功能材料研讨会、国际前沿材料大会(ICFM2022、ICFM2023)等多项国际学术会议,参加国内/国际学术会议十余次,做邀请报道5次并担任分会主席2次。入选中国科协青年人才托举工程、ChemComm2023新锐科学家、北科青年学者等。


2006.09—2010.07   北京科技大学,无机非金属材料专业,工学学士

2010.09—2015.07   清华大学,材料科学与工程专业,工学博士(导师:谢志鹏教授, 陈克新研究员)

2012.02—2012.08   葡萄牙阿威罗大学,材料与陶瓷工程系,访问学者(导师:Jose Maris教授)

2015.07—2017.06   北京科技大学,材料科学与工程学院,教师博士后(导师:曹文斌教授)

2017.07—2018.06   北京科技大学,材料科学与工程学院,讲师

2018.07—2024.06   北京科技大学,材料科学与工程学院,副教授

2023.12—2024.08   新加坡国立大学,化学系,访问学者(导师:陈伟教授)

2024.07—今            北京科技大学,材料科学与工程学院,教授























近三年主讲《量子力学C》、《无机纳米材料制备技术》、《光功能材料》、《宝石玉石与超硬材料》等4门本科生课程及《热管理与热功能材料》等1门研究生课程,年均主讲课时超过96 学时。







[1]    国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于导热结构基元序构的低维AlN非常规生长控制及其形貌调控机制研究,52372077,2023.072026.06,主持,在研;

[2]    国家自然科学基金联合基金(重点项目)课题,5G用球形AlN粉体的限域制备及其导热机理研究,U20A20241,2021.012024.12,主持,在研;

[3]    国家重点研发计划子课题,二氧化硅气凝胶在水性石膏浆料中的分散及悬浮稳定性技术研究,2023YFB3812304-01,2023.112026.10,主持,在研;

[4]    国家重点研发计划子课题,高纯高烧结活性AlN粉体的碳热还原氮化机制及中试关键技术,2017YFB0310301-02,2016.072021.12,主持,结题;

[5]    国家自然科学基金青年项目,球形AlN粉体的可控制备及其在热界面材料中的应用研究,51602017,2017.012019.12,主持,结题;

[6]    第八届中国科协青年人才托举工程,ZGKX2022,2023.012024.12,主持,在研;

[7]    中国博士后科学资金一等资助,碳热还原法直接合成球形AlN粉体的研究,2015M580044,2016.012017.12,主持,结题;

[8]    华为技术有限公司,校企合作项目,球形氮化铝填料应用技术研究,2019-0995,2020.012023.06,主持,结题;

[9]    天津航空机电有限公司,校企合作项目,675-N胶粘剂替代研究,2021-0043,2021.012023.12,主持,结题;

[10] 泸州北方化学工业有限公司,校企合作项目,高品质陶瓷粉体制备关键工艺及性能优化研究,2024.012025.12,主持,在研;

[11] 北京科技大学青年教师国际交流成长计划,基于一维AlN晶须的有序导热网络多尺度构建及其导热增强机制,2023.112024.12,主持,在研

[12] 北京科技大学青年教师学科交叉研究项目,5G用球形AlN液相限域非常规生长控制及导热的多尺度协同增强效应,FRF-IDRY-22-022,2023.072024.12,主持,在研

[13] 中央高校基本业务费,TiO2/SnO p-n结对典型气相污染物的光催化净化研究,FRF-MP-20-29,2020.122021.11,主持,结题;

[14] 清华大学陶瓷国家重点实验室开放基金,碳热还原法合成球形氮化铝粉体的研究,KF201617,2016.012017.12,主持,结题

[15] 中国科学院低温工程学国家重点实验室开放基金,碳热还原法低温合成球形AlN导热填料的研究,2019.42021.3,主持,结题


[1]    北京科技大学精品在线开放课程建设项目,《量子力学C》,KC2022ZXKF08,2023.01~2024.12,主持,在研;

[2]    北京科技大学研究生教育教学改革面上项目,《以“双碳”需求为导向的<热功能与热管理材料>课程教学改革与实践》,2023JGC003,2023.07~2024.12,主持,在研;

[3]    北京科技大学素质教育核心课程建设项目,《材料的光学性能及其神奇应用》,2024.03~2026.02,主持,在研;

[4]    北京科技大学课程思政特色示范课程建设项目,《无机纳米材料制备技术》,2024.03~2026.02,主持,在研;

[5]    北京科技大学研究生教材建设项目,《热功能与热管理材料》,2024.01~2025.12,主持,在研;

[6]    北京科技大学本科教育教学改革项目,《基于雨课堂智慧教学工具的<量子力学C>混合式教学改革》,JG2020M05,2020.07~2022.06,主持,结题;

[7]    北京科技大学课程思政特色示范课程建设项目,《量子力学C》,2021.01~2021.12,主持,结题(教学案例入选《北京科技大学课程思政案例选编(二)》出版发行);

[8]    北京科技大学规划讲义建设项目,《量子力学基础》,JC2019JY007,2019.06~2021.06,主持,结题。




[1] Mengyi Li, Baokai Wang, Chang Yu, Mengyang Niu, Kunjie Yuan, Weiwei Xuan, Ming Yue, Lifeng Zhu*, Kexin Chen*, Qi Wang*. Direct construction of interconnected Si3N4 nanowire networks for enhancing the thermal conductivity and mechanical performance of flexible composite films. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, 12, 21923-21932.

[2] Chang Yu, Baokai Wang, Mengyi Li, Mengyang Niu, Qipeng Lu, Weiwei Xuan, Lifeng Zhu*, Ming Yue, Wenbin Cao*, Qi Wang*. Construction of AlN oriented skeletons using in-situ reaction strategy and their enhancement effect on the thermal conductivity of epoxy composites. Composites Science and Technology, 2024, 251:110565.

[3] Fukai Feng, Chaoqun Ma, Sumei Han, Xiao Ma, Caihong He, Huaifang Zhang, Wenbin Cao, Xiangmin Meng, Jing Xia*, Lijie Zhu, Yahui Tian, Qi Wang*, Qinbai Yun*, Qipeng Lu*. Breaking Highly Ordered PtPbBi Intermetallic with Disordered Amorphous Phase for Boosting Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution and Alcohol Oxidation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, e202405173.

[4] Dekai Shi, Dong Liu, Lei Zhao, Qi Wang*, Ting Tang, Xinyue Long, Liqin Yan*, Bo-Ping Zhang*, He Qi, and Li-Feng Zhu*. Achieving ultrahigh energy storage density and efficiency above 90% via reducing defect concentrations for AgNbO3-based multilayer capacitors. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 479: 147672.

[5]Chang Yu, Kunjie Yuan*, Baokai Wang, Mengyang Niu, Weiwei Xuan, Ming Yue, Jianlei Kuang*, Qi Wang*. In-situ constructing continuous networks composed of SiC nanowires for enhancing the thermal conductivity of epoxy composites, Ceramics International, 2024, 50: 41137.

[6] Chang Yu, Pan Yang, Baokai Wang, Mengyi Li, Mengyang Niu, Kunjie Yuan, Weiwei Xuan, Qipeng Lu, Wenbin Cao,  Qi Wang*. In situ construction of vertically aligned AlN skeletons for enhancing the thermal conductivity of stearic acid-based phase-change composites. Materials Chemistry Frontiers, 2024, 8:1134.

[7] Dong Liu, Long Wang, Xinyi Wang, Ting Tang, Qi Wang*, Jin-Rui Li, Bo-Ping Zhang*, Li-Feng Zhu*. Excellent energy storage performances for BaTiO3-based multilayer capacitors through synergistic high-entropy and superparaelectric-relaxor strategy. Journal of Materiomics, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmat.2024.03.005.

[8] Wei Lin, Chang Yu, Chang Sun, Baokai Wang, Mengyang Niu, Mengyi Li, Weiwei Xuan, Qi Wang*. Enhancing the Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Composites via Constructing Oriented ZnO Nanowire-Decorated Carbon Fibers Networks, Materials, 2024, 17: 649.


[1] Mengyang Niu, Zheng Zhao, Baokai Wang, Chang Yu, Mengyi Li, Jiajun Hu, Lifeng Zhu*, Xu Hao, Shiqin Wan, Ming Yue, Weiwei Xuan, Qipeng Lu, Wenbin Cao*, Kexin Chen*, Qi Wang*. Boosting the in-plane thermal conductivity of Nanofibrillated Cellulose Films: alignment engineering of cross-linked AlN whiskers. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, 11, 23787-23797.外封面论文,JMCA热点论文

[2] Baokai Wanga, Zheng Zhao, Mengyi Li, Mengyang Niu, Jialu Tian, Chang Yu, Shiqin Wan, Ming Yue, Weiwei Xuan, Wenbin Cao, Zhaobo Tian*, Kexin Chen*, Qi Wang*Journal of Advanced Ceramics, 2023, 12 (12): 2257-2270.外封面论文

[3] Xu Hao, Shiqin Wan, Zheng Zhao, Lifeng Zhu, Dongyao Peng, Ming Yue, Jianlei Kuang, Wenbin Cao*, Guanghua Liu*, Qi Wang*. Enhanced Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Composites by Introducing 1D AlN Whiskers and Constructing Directionally Aligned 3D AlN Filler Skeletons. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(1):2124-2133.

[4] Shiqin Wan, Xu Hao, Lifeng Zhu, Chang Yu, Mengyi Li, Zheng Zhao, Jianlei Kuang, Ming Yue, Qipeng Lu, Wenbin Cao*, Qi Wang*. Enhanced In-Plane Thermal Conductivity and Mechanical Strength of Flexible Films by Aligning and Interconnecting Si3N4 Nanowires. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(27):32885-32894.

[5] Ting Tang, Dong Liu, Qi Wang*, Lei Zhao*, Boping Zhang*, He Qi, Lifeng Zhu*. AgNbO3-Based Multilayer Capacitors: Heterovalent-Ion-Substitution Engineering Achieves High Energy Storage Performances. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(38):45128-45136.

[6] Mengyang Niu, Zheng Zhao, Baokai Wang, Chang Yu, Mengyi Li, Jiajun Hu, Ming Yue, Qipeng Lu*, Qi Wang*. Silver nanoparticle-decorated AlN whiskers hybrids for enhancing the thermal conductivity of nanofibrillated cellulose composite films. Chemical Communications, 2023, 59(84):12577-12580.(入选2023新锐科学家集,2023年度热点论文)

[7] Zheng Zhao, Dongyao Peng a, Yuanhong Zhi, Xu Hao, Shiqin Wan, Ming Yue, Jianlei Kuang, Weiwei Xuan, Lifeng Zhu*, Wenbin Cao*, Qi Wang*.    Synergistic effects of oriented AlN skeletons and 1D SiC nanowires for enhancing the thermal conductivity of epoxy composites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 963, 171244.

[8] Shiqin Wan, Xu Hao, Chang Yu, Mengyi Li, Zheng Zhao, Lifeng Zhu, Weiwei Xuan, Ming Yue, Wenbin Cao, Qi Wang*. Hot-pressing induced alignment of AlN whiskers in polymer matrix leading to enhanced in-plane thermal conductivity. Ceramics International, 2023, 49(22): 35095-35103.

[9] Ranran Shi, Wei Lin, Zheng Liu, Junna Xu, Jianlei Kuang*, Wenxu Liu, Qi Wang*, Wenbin Cao*. Electromagnetic wave absorption and mechanical properties of SiC nanowire/low-melting-point glass composites sintered at 580℃ in air. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2023, 30(9):1809-1815.

[10] Baokai Wang, Shiqin Wan, Mengyang Niu, Mengyi Li, Chang Yu, Zheng Zhao, Weiwei Xuan, Ming Yue, Wenbin Cao, Qi Wang*. Oriented Three-Dimensional Skeletons Assembled by Si3N4 Nanowires/AlN Particles as Fillers for Improving Thermal Conductivity of Epoxy Composites. Polymers, 2023, 15(22):4429.

[11] Faguo Wang, Shuo Yang, Qipeng Lu, Wenxiu Liu, Peng Sun*Qi Wang*, Wenbin Cao*. Colloidal Cu-doped TiO2 nanocrystals containing oxygen vacancies for highly-efficient photocatalytic degradation of benzene and antibacterial. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 658(2):130741.

[12] Shiqin Wan, Xu Hao, Zheng Zhao, Chang Yu, Mengyi Li, Qi Wang*. Large-scale synthesis of Si3N4 nanowires by a modified carbothermal reduction method using graphite felt as growth substrate. Materials Letters, 2023, 333:133666.


[1] Xu Hao, Shiqin Wan, Songmo Du, Zhanglin Chen, Jie Zhang, Xuanyiyuan*, Qi Wang*. Synthesis and luminescence properties of red-emittingAlN:Mn2+spherical phosphors. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2022, 105 : 6787–6798.

[2] Sen Li,Jie Zhang, Zhaobo Tian, Xuanyi Yuan, Songmo Du, Qi Wang*, Wenbin Cao. Synthesis of blue emitting AlN:Eu2+ spherical phosphors by carbothermal reduction-nitridation method. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2020, 103: 3716-3725.

[3] Qi Wang, Wei Cui, Yiyao Ge, et al. Preparation of Spherical AlN Granules Directly by Carbothermal Reduction Nitridation Method. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2015, 98 (2): 392–397.

[4] Qi Wang, Susana M Olhero, Jose MF Ferreira, et al. Hydrolysis Control of AlN Powders for the Aqueous Processing of Spherical AlN Granules. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2013, 96(5): 1383–1389.

[5] Qi Wang*, Yiyao Ge, Jianlei Kuang, Peng Jiang, Wenxiu Liu, Wenbin Cao, Effects of Additives on the Synthesis of Spherical Aluminum Nitride Granules by Carbothermal Reduction-Nitridation Process, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 696: 220-225.

[6] Qi Wang, Yiyao Ge, Wei Cui, Kexin Chen*, José M.F. Ferreira, Zhipeng Xie, Carbothermal Synthesis of Micro-Scale Spherical AlN Granules with CaF2 Additive, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 663: 823-828

[7] Qi Wang, Wenbin Cao, Jianlei Kuang, et al, Spherical AlN particles synthesized by the carbothermal method: Effects of reaction parameters and growth mechanism, Ceramics International, 2018, 44(5): 4829-4834.

[8] Qi Wang*, Yiyao Ge, Siyuan Sun, Jianlei Kuang, José M.F. Ferreira, Wenbin Cao, Preparation of Dense Spherical AlN Fillers by Aqueous Granulation and Post-Sintering Process, Ceramics International, 2017, 43(2): 2027-2032.

[9] Qi Wang*, Yiyao Ge, Ying Chen, Siyuan Sun, Zhaobo Tian, Jie Zhang, SHS of Eu2+-doped β-SiAlON Phosphors: Impacts of N2 Pressure and Si Particle Size, Ceramics International, 2017, 43(5): 4456-4461

[10] Qi Wang, Wei Cui, Yiyao Ge, Kexin Chen*, Zhipeng Xie, Carbothermal Synthesis of Spherical AlN Granules: Effects of Synthesis Parameters and Y2OAdditive, Ceramics International, 2015, 41(5): 6715-6721.

[11] Qi Wang, Siyuan Sun, Sen Li, et al, Carbothermal synthesis of approximately spherical Si3N4 particles with homogeneous size distribution, Ceramics International, 2018, 44(18), 22680-22685.

[12] Xu Hao, ShiqinWan, Weiwei Kang, Jialiang Zhao, Sumei Han, Dongyao Peng, PanYang, Qi Wang*, Carbothermal synthesis of high-aspect-ratio AlN whiskers using graphite felt as carbon source, Ceramics International, 2022, 48(7), 9842-9847.

[13] Tao Shen1Qi Wang1, ZhaoyingGuo, JianleiKuang, WenbinCao. Hydrothermal synthesis of carbon quantum dots using different precursors and their combination with TiO2 for enhanced photocatalytic activity, Ceramics International, 2018, 44(10):11828-11834.

[14]  Zhaoying Guo1Qi Wang1, TaoShen, Xianjie Hou, Jianlei Kuang, Wenxiu Liu, Wenbin Cao*. Synthesis of 3D CQDs/Urchin-like and Yolk-shell TiO2 hierarchical structure with enhanced photocatalytic properties, Ceramics International, 2019, 45(5): 5858-5865.

[15] Yiyao Ge, Jie Zhang, Ying Chen, Siyuan Sun, Zhaobo Tian, Zhipeng Xie*, Qi Wang*: Composition-dependent properties of Ca-α-SiAlON: Eu2+ phosphors prepared by combustion synthesis, Ceramics International. 2017, 43, 2933-2937.

[16] Zhaoying Guo1Qi Wang1, Tao Shen, Jianlei Kuang and Wenbin Cao*, Synthesis of urchin-like and yolk–shell TiO2 microspheres with enhanced photocatalytic properties, Environmental Technology, 2018, 41(13):1726-1737.

[17] Qi Wang, Zhi Qiao, Peng Jiang, et al, Hydrothermal synthesis and enhanced photocatalytic activity of mixed-phase TiO2 powders with controllable anatase/rutile ratio, Solid State Sciences, 2018, 77: 14-19.

[18] 王琦,王函,李森,郭钊颖. 氮化铝基导热复合材料的制备及性能. 稀有金属材料与工程,2020,49(2), 629-633.

[19] 王琦, 崔巍, 葛一瑶, 谢志鹏. 高固相含量氧化铝浆料的制备及其烧结性能研究. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2013, 42(S1): 400–403. 

[20] 王琦, 杨玉芬, 傅承诵, 盖国胜, 宁晓山. 复合硅微粉及其超疏水表面的制备与表征. 材料工程, 2010, S2: 79–82.



[1] 王琦,康维维,赵峥,王新乐,刘会杰,曹文斌. 高导热无机胶粘剂粉末及其制备方法. 中国发明专利,ZL 202210702835.6,授权日期:2023年11月10日.

[2] 王琦,郝旭,万诗琴,曹文斌. 一种利用石墨毡制备氮化铝纤维的方法. 中国发明专利,ZL 202111349066.8,授权日期:2022年11月1日.

[3] 王琦,李森,郝旭,曹文斌. 一种碳热还原制备氮化铝纤维的方法. 中国发明专利,ZL 202010937115.9,授权日期:2021年12月24日.

[4] 陈克新,王琦,孙思源,葛一瑶. 一种制备具有高温耐水性氮化铝粉体的方法. 中国发明专利,ZL 201710570684.2,授权日期:2019年6月18日.

[5] 陈克新,孙思源,王琦,葛一瑶. 采用高气压和添加剂直接制备高球形度氮化硅粉体的方法. 中国发明专利,ZL 201510581883.4,授权日期:2018年6月19日.


[1] 2024.01至今,《Journal of Advanced Ceramics助理编辑;

[2] 2023.032024.12,《International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials 》青年编委;

[3] 2023.092025.08,《Microstructures》青年编委;

[4] 2023.092024.09,《Progress in Natural Science:Materials International》青年编委;

[5] 2023.11—2026.11,《材料科学与工艺》青年编委;

[6] 2023.09—2024.03,《Materials》客座编辑;

[7] 2023.01—至今,北京市室内及车内环境净化协会专家委员会委员。





