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- Lingyun Qian*, Wanting Ji, Chaoyang Sun, Gang Fang, Junhe Lian. Prediction of edge fracture during hole-flanging of advanced high-strength steel considering blanking pre-damage, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 248:107721..
- Lingyun Qian, Gang Fang*, Pang Zeng, Lixiao Wang. Correction of flow stress and determination of constitutive constants for hot working of API X100 pipeline steel, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2015, 132:43-51..
- Lixiao Wang, Gang Fang*, Lingyun Qian, Sander Leeflang, Jurek Duszczyk, Jie Zhou. Forming of magnesium alloy microtubes in the fabrication of biodegradable stents, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2014, 24(5):500-506..
- 钱凌云*,纪婉婷,王小灿,孙朝阳,马腾云,不同应力状态下的高强钢板断裂机理及预测,机械工程学报,2020,56(24):72-80..
- Lingyun Qian, Gang Fang*, Pang Fang. Three-dimensional finite element analysis for flying shearing of X100 hot-rolled steel plate, Procedia Engineering, 2014, 81:2488-2493..
- Lingyun Qian*, Xiaocan Wang, Chaoyang Sun*, Anyi Dai. Correlation of Macroscopic Fracture Behavior with Microscopic Fracture Mechanism for AHSS Sheet, Materials, 2019, 12(6):900.
- 徐宁宁,孙朝阳*,钱凌云,倪克志,蔡旺,镁合金板形件扭-挤成形载荷的主应力法求解模型,机械工程学报,2021,57(04):73-82..
- Lingyun Qian, Gang Fang*, Pan Zeng, Qian Wang, Experimental and numerical investigations into the ductile fracture during the forming of flat-rolled 5083-O aluminum alloy sheet. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 220:264-275..
- 钱凌云*,马腾云,安鹏,纪婉婷,孙朝阳,金属薄板面内压剪变形的损伤断裂行为,工程科学学报,2021,43(02):263-272..
- Lingyun Qian*, Marcelo Paredes, Tomasz Wierzbicki, Yannik Sparrer, Martin Feuerstein, Pan Zeng, Gang Fang, Experimental and numerical study on shear-punch test of 6060 T6 extruded aluminum profile, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2016, 118:205-218..
- Dehao Qin, Mingjia Wang*, Chaoyang Sun*, Zexing Su, Lingyun Qian, Zhihui Sun. Interaction between texture evolution and dynamic recrystallization of extruded AZ80 magnesium alloy during hot deformation, Materials Science and Engineering:A, 2020, 788:139537..
- Yun Cai, Chaoyang Sun*, Yulan Li*, Shenyang Hu, Nanyang Zhu, Erin I Barker, Lingyun Qian. Phase field modeling of discontinuous dynamic recrystallization in hot deformation of magnesium alloys, International Journal of Plasticity, 2020, 133:102773..
- 钱凌云,王梦琦,孙朝阳,王小灿,核电主管道非对称双管嘴同时挤压成形工艺,工程科学学报,2019,41(1):124-133..
- 钱凌云,刘全坤*,韩豫,李亨,王琬璐,基于双线性强化模型的挤压凹模自增强技术研究,机械工程学报,2011,47(12):26-31..
- 钱凌云,刘全坤*,王成勇,李亨,韩豫,厚壁圆筒自增强压力的优化分析,中国机械工程,2012,23(4):474-479..