Lingyun Qian*, Wanting Ji, Chaoyang Sun, Gang Fang, Junhe Lian. Prediction of edge fracture during hole-flanging of advanced high-strength steel considering blanking pre-damage, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2021, 248:107721..
Lingyun Qian, Gang Fang*, Pang Zeng, Lixiao Wang. Correction of flow stress and determination of constitutive constants for hot working of API X100 pipeline steel, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 2015, 132:43-51..
Lixiao Wang, Gang Fang*, Lingyun Qian, Sander Leeflang, Jurek Duszczyk, Jie Zhou. Forming of magnesium alloy microtubes in the fabrication of biodegradable stents, Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2014, 24(5):500-506..
Lingyun Qian, Gang Fang*, Pang Fang. Three-dimensional finite element analysis for flying shearing of X100 hot-rolled steel plate, Procedia Engineering, 2014, 81:2488-2493..
Lingyun Qian*, Xiaocan Wang, Chaoyang Sun*, Anyi Dai. Correlation of Macroscopic Fracture Behavior with Microscopic Fracture Mechanism for AHSS Sheet, Materials, 2019, 12(6):900.
Lingyun Qian, Gang Fang*, Pan Zeng, Qian Wang, Experimental and numerical investigations into the ductile fracture during the forming of flat-rolled 5083-O aluminum alloy sheet. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2015, 220:264-275..
Lingyun Qian*, Marcelo Paredes, Tomasz Wierzbicki, Yannik Sparrer, Martin Feuerstein, Pan Zeng, Gang Fang, Experimental and numerical study on shear-punch test of 6060 T6 extruded aluminum profile, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 2016, 118:205-218..
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