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- Liu LB, Liu Y, Liao J. Issues of pumps and fans in HVAC systems–part 2, World Pumps, 2015(3): 38-41..
- Liu LB, Liu Y, Liao J. Issues of pumps and fans in HVAC systems, World Pumps, 2015(1): 26-29..
- LB. Liu, L. Fu, C. Wang, et al. A Novel On-off TRV Adjustment Model and Simulation of its Thermal Dynamic Performance. Building Simulation, 2009, 2: 29-40..
- Lanbin Liu, Lin Fu, Yi Jiang, et al. Maintaining uniform hydraulic conditions with intelligent on-off regulation. Building and Environment: 2010,45:2817-2822..
- LanbinLiu, Lin Fu, Yi Jiang. Application of an Exhaust Heat Recovery System for Domestic hot Water, Energy, 2010, 35: 1476-1481..
- Lanbin Liu, Lin Fu, Yi Jiang, et al. Major issues and solutions in the heat-metering reform in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2011,15: 673–680.
- Lanbin Liu, Lin Fu, Yi Jiang. A new “wireless on-off control” technique for adjusting and metering household heat in district heating system. Applied Thermal Engineering.2012,36(4): 202-209.
- Lanbin Liu, Lin Fu, Shi gang Zhang. The design and analysis of two exhaust heat recovery systems for public shower facilities Applied Energy,132 (2014): 267-275.
- Lanbin Liu, Lin Fu, Yi Jiang. An on-off regulation method by predicting the valve on-time ratio in district heating system, Building Simulation, 2015, 8(6): 665-672..