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- 姚余磊,基于综合信息融合和极值搜索的多水面无人艇协同溢油源搜索.[J].Journal of the Franklin Institute,2024,361(10):
- Jun-Wei Wang,Yong-Hang Wei(硕士研究生),Peng Shi.Spatiotemporal adaptive fuzzy control for state profile tracking of nonlinear infinite-dimensional systems on a hypercube.[J].IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systems,2023,
- Jun-Wei Wang,Jun-Min Wang.Spatiotemporal adaptive state feedback control of a linear parabolic partial differential equation.[J].International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,2023,33(6):3850-3873.
- 王俊伟,杨扬(硕士研究生),张庆龙.Cooperative control and centralized state estimation of a linear parabolic PDE under a directed communication topology.[C].IFAC-PapersOnLine,2022,55(26):131-136.
- Z. Han,Z. Liu, L. Kong, L. Ding, 王俊伟 and W. He.Adaptive fuzzy control for a hybrid spacecraft system with spatial motion and communication constraints.[J].IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2022,30(8):3247-3256.
- 王俊伟,张晋峰(硕士研究生),吴淮宁.Boundary fuzzy output tracking control of nonlinear parabolic infinite-dimensional dynamic systems: Application to cooling process in hot strip mills.IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2022,Available online.
- 王俊伟,吴淮宁.Exponential pointwise stabilization of semi-linear parabolic distributed parameter systems via the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy PDE model.[J].IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2018,26(1):155-173.
- Huan-Yu Zhu,Huai-Ning Wu, and Jun-Wei Wang.Fuzzy control with guaranteed cost for nonlinear coupled parabolic PDE–ODE systems via PDE static output feedback and ODE state feedback.[J].IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2018,26(4):1844-1853.
- 王俊伟,Shun-Hung Tsai, Han-Xiong Li, and Hak-Keung Lam.Spatially piecewise fuzzy control design for sampled-data exponential stabilization of semi-linear parabolic PDE systems.[J].IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2018,26(5):2967-2980.
- 王俊伟,Yi Guo,Muhammad Fahad,Brian Bingham.Dynamic plume tracking by cooperative robots.[J].IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics,2019,24(2):609-620.
- 王俊伟,Yi Guo.Leaderless cooperative control of robotic sensor networks for monitoring dynamic pollutant plumes.[J].IET Control Theory & Applications,2019,13(6):2670-2680.
- 王俊伟,姚余磊(硕士研究生).多无人水面艇协同海上溢油羽流监测.[J].控制理论与应用,2021,38(7):914-923.
- 王俊伟,吴淮宁.Static collocated piecewise fuzzy control design of quasi-linear parabolic PDE systems subject to periodic boundary conditions.[J].IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems,2019,27(7):1479-1492.
- 王俊伟,Dynamic boundary fuzzy control design of semi-linear parabolic PDE systems with spatially non-collocated discrete observation.[J].IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,2019,49(8):3041-3051.
- 王俊伟,刘亚强,孙长银.Adaptive neural boundary control design for nonlinear flexible distributed parameter systems.[J].IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology,2019,27(5):2085-2099.