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- 肖久梅,科技创新项目“超高分子量聚乙烯基公路护栏材料及结构的力学评估”在数学专业本科生中的实施与体会,北京力学会第二十届学术年会,2014;663-664。.
- 肖久梅,陈章华,浅谈数学专业学生在工科背景科技创新项目中的优势与劣势,教育教学论坛,2014,37:128-129。.
- Xiao Jiumei, He Wanli, Gao Jin, Yang Huai*, Fixation for the helical structure of a glassy cholesteric liquid crystal reflective film, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2006,13(5): 476-479. (SCI).
- Xiao Jiumei, Cao Hui, He Wanli, Ma Zheng, Geng Jun, Wang Liping, Wang Ge, Yang Huai*, Wide-band reflective polarizers from cholesteric liquid crystals with stable optical properties, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2007, 105(5): 2973-2977. (SCI).
- Xiao Jiumei, Zhao Dongyu, Cao Hui, Yang Huai*, New micro-structure designs of a wide band reflective polarizer with a pitch gradient, Liquid Crystals, 34(4), 2007: 473-477. (SCI).
- Jiu-mei Xiao, Xin-chun Shang, A new route of fabricating porous polyimide membranes, Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing, 2010, 6: 782-785. (SCI).
- Jiumei Xiao, Effect of Warm-up Temperature Rates on Morphologies of Porous Polyimide Membranes, Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 179-180: 70-74. (EI).
- Jiumei Xiao, Xinchun Shang and Bin Wen, Study of Deformation Behavior of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE), Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 179-180: 75-78. (EI).
- Jiumei Xiao and XinChun Shang, Study on Shock-Absorbing Capacity of Roadside Safety Devices Made by Porous Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,Applied Mechanics and Materials,2011, 55-57: 1403-1406. (EI).
- Jiumei Xiao, Hui Cao, Dongyu Zhao and Huai Yang#, Effect of shearing stress on reflective properties of cholesteric liquid crystal films, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010, 118(4): 1894–1897. (SCI).
- 陈亚楠,肖久梅*, 玻璃微珠、粉末橡胶填充聚丙烯复合材料吸能特性研究, 工程科学学报, 2015, 37(11):1498-1503.(EI).
- 宋玉环,肖久梅*,聚氨酯/蜂窝铝复合材料的压缩力学行为及缓冲吸能特性研究, 工程科学学报, 2016, 38(8): 1153-1159.(EI).
- L Shi and J M Xiao*,The toughening mechanism of rubber particles in polypropylene composite,Materials Science and Engineering 164 (2017) 012027. (EI).
- Jiumei Xiao*, Yanan Chen, New micro-structure designs of a polypropylene (PP) composite with improved impact property, Materials Letters, 2015, 152: 210–212. (SCI).