


Recommended Ph.D.Supervisor

Personal Information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Name (English):Huangjihua

Name (Pinyin):huangjihua



Education Level:研究生


Professional Title:Professor

Alma Mater:哈尔滨工业大学

Materials Processing Engineering

Honors and Titles:
“北京市青年学科带头人”(1993); 中国机械工程学会高级会员、焊接学会常务理事; 材料研究学报、材料科学与工艺、焊接学报编委。

Research Field

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Paper Publications more+
[1] Fan D, Huang J*, Sun X, et al. Correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties of ac.... [2] Fan D, Huang J*, Zhao X, et al. Joining of Cf/SiC composite to Ti-6Al-4V with (Ti-Zr-Cu-Ni)+ Ti f.... [3] Fan D, Li C, Huang J*, et al. A novel composite-diffusion brazing process based on Transient Liqu.... [4] Ye Z, Huang J*, Cheng Z, et al. Combined effects of MIG and TIG arcs on weld appearance and inter.... [5] Ye Z, Huang J*, Gao W, et al. Microstructure and mechanical properties of 5052 aluminum alloy/mil.... [6] Wang W, Fan D, Huang J*, et al. Microstructural mechanism and mechanical properties of Cf/SiC com.... [7] Niu Z, Ye Z, Huang J*, et al. Interfacial structure and properties of Cu/Al joints brazed with Zn.... [8] Lei X, Dong S, Huang J*, et al. Phase evolution and mechanical properties of coarse-grained heat .... [9] Zhang Y, Huang J*, Ye Z, et al. Influence of welding parameters on the IMCs and the mechanical pr.... [10] Zhi Cheng, Jihua Huang*, Zheng Ye, Jian Yang, et al. Butt brazing of titanium alloys/stainless st....

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Published Books
[1] 黄继华(主编),陈树海,赵兴科,《焊接冶金原理》,机械工业出版社,2015.
Research Projects
[1] “不锈钢与Cf/SiC复合材料高性能钎焊技术”,“十三五”装备预研基金, [2] “单晶高温合金表面缺陷修复组织调控技术”,“十三五”装备预研基金, [3] “陶瓷基复合材料与金属复杂构件焊接技术”,“十三五”装备预研基金(重点), [4] “总装“十三五”装备预研共用技术项目:ⅩⅩⅩⅩⅩ复合材料与高温合金钎焊技术研究”,“十三五”装备..., [5] “Cf/SiC复合材料与钛合金复合扩散钎焊动力学与界面反应研究”,国家自然科学基金, [6] “基于新一代高温功率芯片封装的Ni-Sn TLPS连接特性与动力学研究”,国家自然科学基金, [7] “基于多机制复合效应的Cf/SiC复合材料与GH3044高温合金连接基础研究”,国家自然科学基金, [8] “高性能ⅩⅩ发动机ⅩⅩⅩⅩ关键基础问题研究”,国家重大基础研究规划(“973”计划), [9] “ⅩⅩ纳米增强ⅩⅩⅩ高强韧钢及焊接结构的重大基础研究”,国家重大基础研究规划(“973”计划), [10] “磁约束核聚变能发展研究-高导热W基复合材料制备与结构设计”,国家重点研发计划(政府间国际科技创新...,