


Recommended MA Supervisor

Personal Information

Master Tutor

Name (English):Youjia

Name (Pinyin):youjia



Administrative Position:电工电子技术系主任

Professional Title:Associate Professor

Alma Mater:北京科技大学

Control Theory and Control Engineering

Honors and Titles:
2023-08 elected:北京高校优秀本科育人团队成员
2021-06 elected:北京科技大学“我爱我师—我心目中最优秀的老师”
2017-07 elected:全国高等学校青年教师电工学课程教学竞赛二等奖
2015-01 elected:北京科技大学教育教学成果奖一等奖
2023-05 elected:国家级一流本科课程负责人

Other Contact Information:





Research Field

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Paper Publications more+
[1] You Jia,Wang Bin.Study on M-ary spread spectrum systems using zero correlation zone code.[C].2009 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing,2009, [2] 尤佳,王绍纯,李希胜,韩艺萍.通过转炉炉口火焰纹理分析判断氧气顶吹转炉吹炼终点.[J].北京科技大学学报,2000, [3] 尤佳,李擎,崔家瑞.面向新工科建设的数电课程教学模式探索.[J].高等理科教育,2019, [4] Fan, Tingde,You, Jia,Li, Xisheng.Design and implementation of three-axis digital fluxgate sensor based on DSC.[C].ACM International Conference Proceeding Series,2019, [5] Tang, Yajie,You, Jia,Hong, Ran.Design of Temperature Control System of Photodetector Based on ADN8831.[C].2022 4th International Conference on Control and Robotics, [6] 尤佳,王宏,薛燕,史雪飞,李希胜.基于新工科人才培养的电工电子课程导学体系构建.[J].科教导刊,2023, [7] 张冰雪,尤佳,宋委任.基于节点复合特性的端-边协同网络生成算法.[J].系统工程与电子技术,2023, [8] Liu, Wei,Feng, Cheng.Research and implementation of the key technology of digital lock-in amplifier.[C].International Conference on Green Energy and Sustainable Development (GESD),2017, [9] Honglei Li,Xisheng Li,Weiren Song.Implementation and optimization of distributed stream processing system based on FPGA.[C].2022 3rd International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Engineering (ICBAIE),2022, [10] Weiren Song,Xisheng Li.Accelerated spark streaming based on FPGA.[C].2022 China Automation Congress (CAC),2022,

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Published Books
[1] Fan Tingde, You Jia, Li Xisheng. Design and implementation of three-axis digital fluxgate sensor ... [2] Wei Zhizhen, Li Xisheng, You Jia. Research on MEMS-based pedestrian navigation correction algorit... [3] 尤佳、李擎、崔家瑞. 面向新工科建设的数电课程教学模式探索[J]. 高等理科教育, 2019(3): 95-100. [4] 尤佳、李春雷主编. 《数字电子技术实验与课程设计(第2版)》, 978-7-111-57778-2, 机械工业出版社, 201... [5] Liu, W, You, J, Feng, C, Li, XS. Research and Implementation of the Key Technology of Digital Loc... [6] YOU Jia, ZHANG Lan, WANG Bing. Study on M-ary spread spectrum systems using zero correlation zone... [7] 尤佳, 张兰, 韩守梅. 从中美教育比较浅谈电子技术课程教学改革[M]. 实践与创新, 高等教育出版社, 2007.0... [8] 尤佳, 王绍纯, 李希胜, 韩艺萍. 通过转炉炉口火焰纹理分析判断氧气顶吹转炉吹炼终点[J]. 北京科技大学学...
Research Projects
[1] 北京市高等教育本科教学改革创新项目-虚拟架构下有组织教学的研究与实践;2023.09-2025.08,参加人, [2] 中央高校基本科研业务费(00007753) ;基于多功能光纤智能感知系统的在役冶金设 备健康状态和工作环境..., [3] 国家重点研发计划重点专项子课题(2019YFB2101901):物联系统终端侧边缘协同感知理论,2019.12-2022.11..., [4] 企业委托项目(2019-0852):超声波井壁探测技术研究及配套仪器开发,2019.10-2020.10,参加人, [5] 企业委托项目(2019-0622):泄漏监测定位系统研发,2019.08-2019.12,参加人, [6] 北京市人才培养共建项目(GJ201807):在线开放课程,2018.01-2018.12,负责人, [7] 企业委托项目(2017-127):紫外-可见光谱水质监测多元校正算法研究,2017.03-2019.12,参加人,