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- Professional Title:Associate Professor
Alma Mater:东北大学
Discipline:Non Ferrous Metallurgy
Education Level:研究生
Administrative Position:冶金与生态工程学院有色金属冶金系副主任
Contact Information:18618336024

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- Paper Publications
- 赵洪亮,张廷安*,张超,刘燕,赵秋月,王淑婵,豆志河. 改进Intermig桨种分槽搅拌性能的数值模拟. 过程工程学报,2011,11(1):15-19..
- 杨理强,赵洪亮*,张立峰. CCS铜冶炼厂转炉生产模式的实践. 中国冶金,2017,27(1):58-64..
- 殷攀,赵洪亮*,张立峰,王森,张建坤,范魏,艾萨旋流顶吹熔炼过程数值模拟,材料与冶金学报,2017,(02):104-109..
- 赵洪亮,洪爽,刘伟,吕晗,刘风琴*. 电解铝废槽衬还原提取铜转炉渣中铜钴的试验研究. 有色金属(冶炼部分),2019,(9):53-57..
- 赵洪亮,张国权,吕国志,张廷安*. 无焙烧钛白废酸氧压浸出转炉钒渣研究. 东北大学学报(自然科学版),2014,35(9):1288-1290..
- 赵洪亮,殷攀,张立峰*. 高固含搅拌槽内颗粒混合与悬浮特性的实验研究,工程科学学报,2017,39(1):54-60..
- Hongliang Zhao, Ting’an Zhang*, Yan Liu, Zimu Zhang, Chao Zhang, Numerical Simulations of Solid-liquid Stirred Tank with an Improved Intermig Impeller, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2013, 1542(1):1286-1289..
- Hongliang Zhao, Yan Liu, Ting-an Zhang, Song-qin Gu. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations on multiphase flow in mechanically agitated seed precipitation tank. JOM,2014,66(7):1218-1226. SCI: 000338536100019..
- Hongliang Zhao,Zi-mu Zhang,Ting-an Zhang,Yan Liu,Song-qing Gu, Chao Zhang. Experimental and CFD studies of solid–liquid slurry tank stirred with an improved Intermig impeller. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2014,24(8):2650-2659. SCI: 000342138600029..
- Guoquan Zhang, Hongliang Zhao, Chao Lv, Yan Liu, Tingan Zhang. CFD Simulations of a large-scale seed precipitation tank stirred with multiple Intermig impellers. 2015, Light Metals 2015: 65-68. EI: 20154001341727..