Guoyong Liu


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He has been engaged in research on advanced manufacturing such as multi-physics coupling modeling and optimization, mechanical behavior of mechanical equipment, and metal forming control. He has participated in a number of national, provincial and national scientific research projects, such as participating in the research work of the National Natural Science Foundation of China on "Technology for Efficient Disassembly of Electronic Components of Waste Circuit Boards", responsible for the efficient disassembly of electronic components of waste circuit boards CFD simulation and experimental research to solve key parameters; as the backbone to participate in the research and development of the sub-item "Research and Development of Lightweight Mine Emergency Submersible Pump", which is a key project of public safety risk prevention and control and emergency technical equipment, and is responsible for the simulation of the submersible pump flow field and the overall Structural optimization. At the same time, he is responsible for and participates in more than 20 cooperative scientific research projects of enterprises, such as the scientific research project of steel enterprises' cooperative development of metal materials to control cooling and toughening. The second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award; in 2011, the online pre-hardening device for die steel of Dongte Group Dalian Special Steel Co., Ltd. was built, which is a metallurgical equipment with independent intellectual property rights. This achievement won the first prize of the 2015 Metallurgical Science and Technology Award. Responsible for the sub-project "Research and Industrialization of Extrusion Technology for Large-Width Thin-walled Hollow High-strength Aluminum Alloy Profiles for Rail Transit" of the Guangdong Provincial Key Field R&D Program Project "Application Research of High-Performance Aluminum/Magnesium Light Alloys in Key Projects" and Research and development of die structure and extrusion technology in "Research and Industrialization of Extrusion Technology for High Damage Resistant and Easy Forming High Strength Aluminum Materials for Automotive Lightweight". It has successively researched and developed structures and technologies such as large-format 3D printing forming bin structure, large-dose porous needle-free injector, expandable and retractable chiral honeycomb structure, and friction damper with variable damping force output,  developed the full-line strip temperature of hot continuous rolling, and temperature field calculation and prediction software, apply for and authorize related invention patents.

He has published more than 60 academic papers, edited 2 "Fluid Simulation and Application" and "Numerical Methods of Fluid Mechanics", participated in the editing of 1 "Rolling Equipment and Automatic Control", and applied for 15 national patents, of which the first inventor applied for national 9 patents.

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