

Recommended MA Supervisor

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He has been engaged in research on advanced manufacturing such as multi-physics coupling modeling and optimization, mechanical behavior of mechanical equipment, and metal forming control. He has participated in a number of national, provincial and national scientific research projects, such as participating in the research work of the National Natural Science Foundation of China on "Technology for Efficient Disassembly of Electronic Components of Waste Circuit Boards", responsible for the efficient disassembly of electronic components of waste circuit boards CFD simulation and exp...

Educational Experience

[1]  2001-09-01 to 2007-03-01

University of Science & Technology Beijing >  Mechanical Design and Theory>  Doctoral Degree in Philosophy>  Postgraduate (Doctoral)

Work Experience

[1]  1992-07-01 to 2001-08-01

 Xiangyang Automobile Bearing Co., Ltd.> engineer

[2]  2007-04-01 to 2010-06-01

Department of mechanical equipment and control engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering > University of Science & Technology Beijing> lecturer

[3]  2010-07-01 to Now

Department of mechanical equipment and control engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering > University of Science & Technology Beijing> Associate professor

[4]  2018-11-01 to 2019-05-01

 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University(Virginia Tech)> Visiting scholar

Personal Information

Professional Title:Associate Professor

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Alma Mater:北京科技大学

Discipline:Mechanical Design and Theory

Education Level:研究生


School/Department:University of Science & Technology Beijing (USTB)


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