Paper Publications
- [11]李铁克,王柏琳.等待时间受限的两阶段流水车间调度问题性质研究.管理工程学报.(国家自然科学基金委管理科学部A类重要期刊,CSSCI).
- [12]李铁克,王柏琳,赵艳艳.求解并行加热炉群调度问题的三阶段算法.系统工程学报.(国家自然科学基金委管理科学部A类重要期刊).
- [13]王柏琳,李铁克,孙彬.基于TSP方法求解等待时间受限的置换流水车间调度问题.控制与决策.(EI).
- [14]王柏琳,李铁克,张春生,等.基于动态约束满足的考虑连铸机故障的炼钢连铸调度算法.计算机集成制造系统.(EI).
- [15]Jian-ping Yang, Bai-lin Wang, Qian Liu, Min Guan, Tie-ke Li, Shan Gao, Wei-da Guo, Qing Liu. Scheduling Model for the Practical Steelmaking-continuous Casting Production and Heuristic Algorithm Based on the Optimization of "Furnace-caster Matching" Mode[J]. ISIJ International, 2020, 60(6): 1213-1224. (第二作者,SCI, 冶金领域TOP期刊).
- [16]Yang Jianping, Wang Bailin, Zou Caoyun, Li Xiang, Li Tieke, Liu Qing*. Optimal charge planning model of steelmaking based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. Metals, 2018, 8(7): 483-494. (第二作者,SCI).
- [17]Shuaipeng Yuan, Tieke Li, Bailin Wang. A co-evolutionary genetic algorithm for the two-machine flow shop group scheduling problem with job-related blocking and transportation times[J]. Expert Systems with Applications,2020,152. (通讯作者,SCI).
- [18]Shuaipeng Yuan, Tieke Li, Bailin Wang. A discrete differential evolution algorithm for flow shop group scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup and transportation times[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,2020. (SCI).
