


Recommended Ph.D.Supervisor

Personal Information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Name (English):Xiangdong

Name (Pinyin):xiangdong



Administrative Position:机械制造及自动化系主任

Professional Title:Professor

Mechanics Manufacture and Automation

Xiang, D; Xia, HX; Yang, W; Mou, P. New simulation-based approach for the profile control in a process chamber: Fluid, thermal, and plasma profile. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part E-Journal Of Process Mechanical Engineering. 2017, Vol. 231,: 565-580.

Date:2022-04-05 clicks:

Translation or Not:no

Pre One:Xiang, D; Jiang, L; You, MX; Shen, YH. Influence of Quasi-Steady Wind Loads on the Fatigue Damage of Wind Turbine Gearboxes. Strojniski Vestnik-Journal Of Mechanical Engineering. 2016. Vol.: 63: 300-313 Next One:Xiang, D; Shen, YH; Wei, YZ. A Contact Force Model Considering Meshing and Collision States for Dynamic Analysis in Helical Gear System. Chinese Journal Of Mechanical Engineering, 2019,Vol 32: