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Alma Mater:清华大学

Discipline:Vehicle Engineering

Education Level:研究生






Supervisor of Master's Candidates


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李跃华,北京科技大学副教授,从事氢能及燃料电池运行管理研究,清华大学博士,eScience青年编委,中国内燃机学会高级会员,多个一级学会会员及分会委员,多个期刊的客座主编,十余个国际期刊的审稿专家,主持国家自然科学基金项目、中国航天科工集团公司自主创新项目、北京科技大学校企联合平台项目、中央高校基本科研业务费项目等多项,参与973/863/科技部重点研发计划/军科委项目多项,在Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews、Chemical Engineering Journal、Applied Energy等期刊发表一区SCI论文30余篇,h因子20,平均影响因子大于10,授权发明专利10余项,运行管理以及多尺度物理化学机理成果获一级学会一等奖3项、省部级二等奖2项。发现基于压降的燃料电池各层液态水含量表征机制并提出运行状态实时评价方法,发展了介观尺度多孔介质质热电传递理论,自主开发了燃料电池电堆以及系统的参数化设计评价仿真国产化平台,成果面向燃料电池发电以及电解水制氢领域。自主开发了中等功率模块化质子交换膜燃料电池系统、测试系统、健康管理系统,系统能量效率50%、噪声70dB、功率密度100W/kg、核心器件系统控制器国产化率95%,采用独创的燃料电池内部水状态监测与调控策略使系统连续运行时功率波动率低于2%,技术指标在国内装备领域先进。核心产品可应用于移动交通及固定发电领域,关键技术推动燃料电池快速冷启动与长时无人值守。

Dr. Yuehua Li is currently Associate Professor of School of Mechanical Engineering at University of Science and Technology Beijing. He obtained his Ph.D. from Tsinghua University and is engaged in the research of fuel cell water management, health diagnosis, and nonlinear control. He improved the theory of water detection in association with pressure drop, and proposed the water amount detection method for different layers in fuel cell, which is benefit for the cold-start and long-time unattended operation for the fuel cell stack. He published more than 30 SCI papers with h-index 20. He hosts the programs of National Natural Science Foundation, Innovation Foundation of China Aerospace Science and Technology Cooperation. Academically, he found the characterization mechanism for liquid and vapor amount in different layers of fuel cell, developed the mass transfer of gas/liquid/proton/electron and heat transfer theory through porous multiscale meadia. For application, he developed the software and hardware for the parametric design, assessment, and simulation for fuel cell stack and system, which could be applicated in power generation, vehicle transportation, and water electrolysis.