Li, X., Zhang X, Wang, S., & Ma, J. Attention matters: An exploration of relationship between Google Search behaviors and crude oil prices. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 2019, 32(5), 1438-1459. 国内系统科学顶级期刊, SCI
上一条:Li, X.*, Pan, B., Law, R., & Huang, X. Forecasting tourism demand with composite search index. Tourism Management, 2017, 59, 57-66. SSCI, IF:7.432, JCR一区, ABS四星, ESI高被引论文
下一条:Li, X., Zhang X, Wang, S., & Ma, J. Attention matters: An exploration of relationship between Google Search behaviors and crude oil prices. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 2019, 32(5), 1438-1459. 国内系统科学顶级期刊, SCI