Xiaojuan Shu, Mingyan Shen, Xingu Zhong, Tao Yang, Hongbing Chen* (2014). Technique for detecting vertical prestress based on vibration principle. Advanced Engineering and Technology: Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Congress on Advanced Engineering and Technology (CAET 2014), Hong Kong, 19-20 April 2014 (p. 49). CRC Press. (EI收录)
Pre One:Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen*, Zeyu Li and Jiang Wang (2018). Multi-scale numerical study on the mechanism of PZT-based debonding detection for concrete-filled steel tubes. The 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Integrity Management. October 21-23, Hangzhou, China. (The Best Paper Award:最佳论文奖)
Next One:Xin Nie, Yudong Zhao, Hongbing Chen*, Huahua Qiu, Jinyang Gao, Bin Xu (2020). Multichannel analysis of surface waves method-based interfacial debonding defection for concrete-filled double-steel-plate composite walls. ASCE Earth & Space 2021. April 21-23, Seattle, WA. (EI收录,Section Chair)