Hongbing Chen, Xin Nie, Bin Xu, Jiang Wang (2020). Multi-scale simulation on reinforced concrete columns subjected to monotonic and cyclic loadings. fib Symposium. November 22-24, Shanghai, China. (EI收录)
Pre One:Bin Xu, Hongbing Chen*, Tianmin Zhou. Multi-scale and multi-physical-field coupling simulation on detection mechanism of aggregates segregation in CCFST using PZT based stress wave measurement, 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring: Enabling Intelligent Life-Cycle Health Management for Industry Internet of Things (IIOT), IWSHM 2019. September 10 -12, 2019, Pages 1915-1922, Stanford, United States. (EI收录)
Next One:陈洪兵,张新鹏,张佳丽等.斜拉桥间隔挂索方案的可行性研究.市政技术,2014,32(04):63-65+68.